文章來源: 英語作業2010-02-08 23:52:26


An incomplete不完全的 sentence is called a sentence

Fragment碎片.A fragment may lack缺乏 either或者 a

subject 主語or a predicate謂語. It may also be incomplete

 because it does not communicate 傳達a complete 完整的

thought思想. To test檢驗 your sentences to see if they

are complete, ask and answer the following questions:

  1. Does the sentence have a subject?主語
  2. Does the sentence have a predicate?謂語

  3. Does the sentence express a complete though?完整的思想

If you can answer “yes” to these three questions, the

sentence is complete. 完成的

Directions: Use the three questions above to decide 決定

                    whether 是否each group of words is a sentence

                    or a fragment. Mark “S” for sentence or “F” for

                    fragment in the blank 空白、表格at the right. 

Example: Got ink 墨水all over my hands. ( I got…)      F

1. He chews砠嚼 only sugarless無糖 gum口香糖.           S

2. Puts her briefcase公文包 on her desk. (who?)           F

3. Everyone who came to the lecture演講.(隻有定語)        F 

4. Am looking for a road map of Texas. (no verb)         F

5. The atlas 地圖集is no help.(意思不清楚)                          F

6. Air-conditioning uses a great deal of 大量的energy能量.S

7. As(=when) the papers blew all over the room.        F

 (As the papers blew all over the room, I was going crazy.)

8. The minimum最小的 wage工資 for part-time workers.F

(The minimum wage for part-time workers is given a month.)

9. The gun control bill is not popular with this group.       S

     (槍支控製法案)                   (受歡迎的)

10. Seeing the price of gold double within a week.         F

(We were seeing the price of gold double within a week.)

11. Just because he has  a high school diploma.            F

12. The noise startled震驚 everyone.                                S

13. Drugs, cause of so much concern in the 1990s.       F

(Drugs, cause of so much concern in the 1990s, many

more young people died.)

14. The quartz石英 watch runs on a tiny battery電池.    S

15. Taking care not to waste浪費 any time.時間 (Mary)   F

16. Only had instant 速溶的coffee or tea.                            F

(The coffee shop only had instant coffee or tea.)

17. Larry has taken the test four times now.                      S

18. Without any improvement 改進in his scores.得分         F

19. We must end the dumping傾銷 of toxic waste! 毒廢物S

20. Officials官員 elected選舉 by the people in the district.區域F

(Officials were/are elected by the people in the district / province.)
