文章來源: 席琳2005-07-08 12:36:02


說是一般,是因為有例外和打彎的地方,這不,今天無圖上路,從西岸往東開,看著是雙號,前麵又有一個空軍基地,就一直開。結果是把門的警察不讓進,說這是老夢和虎子的學校 - State Institute of Corrections,閑人免進。沒了出口,隻得往回返,白開了一段冤枉路。也曾為類似的問題,和國內來的嶽父大人,抬過一次杠,嶽父說這一段路,明明是南北向嗎,怎麽也是雙號?我說您不懂,結果還被老婆給臭罵了一通,哈哈,不說了。






附:美國州際公路和聯邦公路編號係統:Highway Numbering System

In 1925, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials set the guidelines for numbering interstates and U.S. highways. Some of these guidelines are:

  • Interstate north-south routes have odd numbers, with numbers increasing from west to east.
  • Interstate east-west routes have even numbers, with numbers increasing from south to north.
  • Interstate highway routes have one- or two- digit numbers.
  • North-south interstates ending with a 5 and east-west interstates ending with a 0 are typically major cross-country routes.
  • A three-digit interstate always ends with the two-digit number of the main interstate it loops off from, except I-238.
  • Three-digit road numbers beginning with an even number are either beltways that go around a city or freeways that go through a city.
  • Three-digit road numbers beginning with an odd number branch off the main interstate.
  • U.S. highway north-south routes have odd numbers, with numbers increasing from east to west.
  • U.S. highway east-west routes have even numbers, with numbers increasing from north to south.
  • U.S. highway east-west routes ending in 0 tend to be cross-country routes.
  • Three-digit U.S. routes contain the two digits of their parents routes, but there is not an odd and even number system.
