文章來源: 圈外閑人2013-09-21 16:11:08
女兒來到了天主教的中心 :梵諦岡教皇國。這是世界上最小的主權國家,也是世界上人口最少的國家。位於意大利首都羅馬城西北角的高地上,梵蒂岡四麵都與意大利接壤,是一個國中國,國界以梵蒂岡古城牆為標誌

我們排隊進梵蒂岡博物館,許多的遊客,很長的隊伍。導遊說我挺幸運的, 2000年時帶著兒子來參觀,那時遊客是走聖門的,所以洗淨了身上的罪孽。

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西斯廷禮拜堂(Cappella Sistina)是博物館之精華,是羅馬教皇的私用經堂,也是教皇選舉儀式的舉行地。米開朗基羅的巔峰畫作《創世紀》和《最後的審判》是禮拜堂的鎮堂之寶,在禮拜堂內是不允許拍照的,所以下麵兩幅圖是從網上下載的。

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  1. 二十四年可以讓人改變許多,當米開朗基羅創作《創世紀》時,他的作品受到許多條條框框的限製,而當他創作《最後的審判》時,他的魔筆達到了完全自由的境界。
  2. 千萬不要得罪任何畫家,一旦被醜化成壞人之後,那可是永世都不得洗清了。


出了梵蒂岡博物館,我們進入世界最大圓頂教堂:聖彼得大教堂(Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano)。

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西班牙階梯(Scalinata della Trinita dei Monti)也是《羅馬假期》的一景,階梯在歐洲是最長與最寬的,女兒跟著團友蹭蹭地爬了上去。

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我則選擇了一條捷徑:乘電梯。這樣就可以經過破船噴泉(La Fontana della Barcaccia)。

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再多看一眼西班牙廣場(Piazza di Spagna)。

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西班牙階梯的頂端是山上天主聖三教堂(Trinit dei Monti),我們登高遠眺整個西班牙廣場,觀看街頭的名店,俯視熙攘的人群,別有一番爽心悅目的感覺。

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17 day trip – day 12

Rome:  three out of five

Today I went to Rome! It's a very ancient city, dating back to the Roman Empire. It has many old buildings, including the Coliseum (also known as the Flavian Amphitheater), the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, and the Forum.  I just studied Rome in school, so I know some extra info about some of the monuments. Even though these Roman places are very old, they're mostly intact. I didn't go into the Coliseum, but I did go into the Forum. When I first had gone in, I didn't recognize it. Then I'd seen a huge pillar with Emperor Trajan's accomplishments on it, and I remembered that I'd seen it in a video about Rome.  I went into the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. There are both churches. The Sistine Chapel is very small; St. Peter's Basilica is very big. Another place in Rome that I went to was a wishing well. If you throw one coin in, you will come back to Rome, two coins mean you will get married there, and three coins mean a divorce. In the year 2000, my mom threw in one coin, and now she came back! Rome is very hilly, but not more than San Francisco.

Five course dinner: five out of five

I had a five course dinner today. I had melon and ham, spelt soup, potatoes and fish, and tiramisu. The fourth course (which I didn't eat) was salad. It was contaminated with dressing, but not eating salad helped me save space for the other courses.