逆境中的見證---女兵劉在軍營中被神所愛 日記 02/18/09
文章來源: 2009-02-18 06:15:27
親愛的朋友,你知道嗎?今天是不同的一天。 也許,你現在還在甜美的睡夢中,享受著理所當然的休息,這是你該得的。請你珍惜這清晨的平安。 你知道嗎?如果你聽了我講述住在軍營的戰士們的起床時間,你應該會偷笑吧。 現在是 4:58分,如果我還在部隊的話,那我肯定是汗流浹背,或做晨操,或奔跑,或行軍,還要大聲地喊口號,唱軍歌。啊,對了,等一會兒,到了 6 點鈡,所有隊伍都會停止一切活動,立正站好,對國旗敬禮。這一切真好象發生在昨天。 I have clear memory, when I got back home to Fremont, that one day, Kwang and I were watching "The Renaissance Man" http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1800215464/info. together, he was very surprised to see how the soldiers in the movie would shout out in unison the Army songs and stuff like that. The loud sound was overwelming. "Is that true? You guys are like that every morning?" 他問我。 “每天如此!”我答到, "So, you don't believe this? This is my army life, exactly the same, except the uniform. My Drill Sergeant G told us that this movie was shot at Fort Jackson in 1994. And he suggested that if we miss Fort Jackson,退役後, 去買這部電影的 DVD,肯定會引發很多美好的不美好的回憶”。 這位非洲裔的 Drill Sergeant 真說對了,現在又變回老百姓的我時常拿出這部電影來放一放,來享受我的短暫的軍隊路生涯。 現在回到主題,今天早上讀聖經,讀到創世紀 50 章, 50:21 節,深受感動。"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good....“ 轉載 45 :12 約瑟在左右站著的人麵前情不自禁,吩咐一聲說:“人都要離開我出去!”約瑟和弟兄相認的時候,並沒有一人站在他麵前。他就放聲大哭,埃及人和法老家中的人都聽見。 猶大自願提出要來承擔本來要加在便雅憫身上的懲罰,使約瑟再也無法控製自己的感情,他看著這群當初陰謀殺害他,後來把他給賣了的哥哥們,當然他們當中有些不象其他人那麽壞,例如猶大、流便等。 一方麵他一直認識到,神這麽做是為了要供應他們,使他們有糧吃、得存活。另一方麵,約瑟也設計了試驗,他不僅僅是想要喂飽他們的嘴,他也要喂養他們的心,使他們成為聖潔,他也在教導他們。看,現在試煉開始見效了,至少猶大已經改變到一個程度,自願地來做耶穌認為是愛中之最的行為,願意為朋友舍命。因著神的恩典,經過生活的試煉,今天猶大能夠來效法最大的愛,即:耶穌為我們死了,這實在讓約瑟驚呀得無法控製自己,哭聲大得人人都聽得見。 這是一件多麽有意思的事!整個故事都非常有意思,約瑟救贖他哥哥們的計劃看上去是個懲罰,但不僅是從饑荒上、更是從心靈上,從他們的根本態度上救他們。單單是對邪惡的懲罰遠遠不如將人從邪惡中改變過來那樣美好、那樣讓人喜樂。在我們與別人的衝突中,我們應該努力去把人爭取過來而不是報複、懲罰。連神都不喜悅惡人滅亡,神的公義往往就是惡人的滅亡,但這並不是神喜悅之事。你可以從法庭上來理解這點,在一個正義的法庭上,法官一定會宣判、懲罰惡人,這是司法製度的榮耀。當邪惡遭到懲罰,法庭就得榮耀。但是,假如法官在那裏喜形於色,拍手稱快地說:“好哇,又幹掉一個壞蛋!” 那麽,法官自己可能有點毛病了。當法官宣判惡人死刑的時候,我們知道他是一個正義的法官,一個好法官,因為正義是好的,是榮耀的。但這不是我們為此感受到喜樂的事。神在末日救贖義人是榮耀的,審判惡人時也同樣榮耀的,因為公義是榮耀的。但同時應該強調的是轉變人心,因此,我們與人發生衝突時,一定要控製自己的情緒,在與人的關係上決不可存報複之心,而是要允許別人存懷疑之心,但同時又要堅持真理。 約瑟沒有忽略他哥哥們所幹的壞事,沒有說“就算你們沒做過吧”。後麵我們會看到他直接指出他們的惡行。但是他所做的,是要引他們悔改,他努力地來使他們成聖而不單單是懲罰他們。這不僅是我們做家長的對孩子們應該有的態度,也是彼此之間應有的態度。包括信徒之間,也包括信徒與不信人之間。他讓左右的人都離開,不僅是因為他的眼淚,也是為了他哥哥們的醜行不要成為旁人的笑柄。你可以想象一下,假如這些衛兵們知道了這幫兄弟們對約瑟所做的事,去報告法老的話,那可不是件好玩的事。因此,他讓人都走開,也是在保護哥哥們。 This was Joseph said onto his brothers who sold him to the merchants many years ago, and they thought that Joseph died long ago. The reason why I found myself deeply touched by these verses is because I identify with Joseph in this regard when I think about what happened to me in my barrecks when the young and ignorant soldiers threw horrible remarks at me. But whenever I was wrongfully accused for something I didn't do or misunderstood, God always sent His angels to approach me and comfort me. And this brought tears to my eyes right at this moment. Yes, God, you love me so much. I saw you so many times in the eyes of my battle buddies. For example, Private Neal, she is a very pretty girl from New York, and she is only 18 years old. I believe she is an angel sent from above. I am really lucky that I kept a picture of her and me at 軍營。 那天,外麵下著雨,Drill Sergeant Myers announced that he would do a wall locker inspection in 5 minutes, meaning we soldier are supposed to have our wall lockers tidy at all times as instructed many times. "This is terrible!" I said to myself. Because I know clearly that mine was a mess, for sure I will be punished for this. And I went to Burg, our bay boss, who is also 18 years old. "Liu, I wish I could help you, but we don't have time, you see." My friend, SPC Burgess also came to my wall locker, "Let's leave to Him now, Liu. There is nothing we can do at this point of time." I saw the concern in Burgess's eyes. "I should have asked for help earlier. You fool!" I thought to myself. Sure enough, Drill Sergeant Myers appeared in our bay very punctually in 5 minutes, I was so nervous when he passed my wall locker and looked inside. The air seemed frozen for me at that moment, I couldn't breathe. And I dropped my head in defeat. "Liu, clear you mess later." I heard he said to me in lowered voie. "Yes, Drill Sergeant Myers, right away, Drill Sergeant!” 我低聲回答,感激的望了他一眼。 之後,一句話也沒講, Private Neal came to me right after Drill Sergeant Myers left. She started to organize my stuff in there. I was so grateful, and didn't know what to say. "Liu, do you want to keep the magazines or share with the other girls?" I heard she said. "啊, 給她們好了,我都看過了。” 然後, 她開始一點一點幫我把垃圾扔掉,把雨衣和洗漱用具等等放到應該放的地方。 不到10 分鈡,我的鐵壁櫥已初具規模。 “Neal, I, I don't know how to thank you. You help me so much, what can I do to make up to you?” I said to her, with tears in my eyes. She didn't say anything, just came over to me and hugged me real tight, I felt the pure love and warmth deep down in my heart. "You are my angel, Neal, I will never forget today." I told her, choking back tears. "You're alright, Liu. It is nothing." Neal smiled at me. Suddenly, in my mind, she turned to be like older sister, Hongying.Hongying always helped me when I was a little girl back home in Tianjin. I am so grateful, Neal. You are a good girl, I am forever thankful for what you did to me at "Crutch Bay". Wherever you are now, may God bless you and protect you. This morning, I took out my photo album and looked at Neal again. She is so beautiful and her eyes are just so kind, it reminds me of Mona Lisa's smile. I am loved after all. Thank you, Lord, for sending your guarding angel, Neal, to me to protect me and give me love and comfort. I am not afraid any more in any circumstances at last. For I know my Lord loves me. 神愛世人!祂愛我,祂也愛你! 親愛的朋友,今天你可能遭遇不公正的待遇,又可能失去了寶貴的親人,還可能家裏的財經狀況不大理想,請你記住,神愛世人。你是被愛的,是神眼中的瞳仁。請你珍惜今天,不要為昨天的憂傷煩惱,也不要為明天的事愁煩。凡事歡喜快樂,心存感恩,隻要你用心求,神就會派使者今天就臨到你。 我祝福你有愉快的一天。感謝你聽我的分享。