雨和淚--Rain and Rears
文章來源: imagine452012-01-29 16:23:20


雨和淚, 總相隨,
在陽光下, 又顯出你的美,
傷心的你, 在冬天裏,
沒有雨水, 能代替你的淚,
雨和淚, 總相隨,
在陽光下, 來顯出你的美,

雨和淚, 陽光下,
而你的心, 何時再回家,
雨和淚, 匆匆歸,
心中的愛, 如陽光迷我醉,
在陽光下, 又顯出你的美,

Rain and tears out of staying,
But in the sun you got to play the game,
When you cry in winter time,
You can't pretend there's nothing but the rain,
How many times I've seen,
Tears coming from your blue eyes,
Rain and tears out of staying,
But in the sun you got to play the game,

Written the moods of love,
I need moods of love,
Rain and tears in the sun,
But in your heart you feel the rain and waves,
Rain and tears both rush home,
All in my heart there near by the sun
Rain and tears all the same,
But in the sun you got to play the game,