Article Read - Influence : Key to Success (Part I)
文章來源: eyeyey2009-02-07 10:50:37

Influence – the Key to Success

Every hour of every day, at every level in every organization, influential people succeed and non-influential people don\'t.

Understanding and Fulfilling Needs of Others

People are motivated for their reasons, not yours.

One of the golden rules of the therapy profession is that everyone needs at least one person with whom they can openly and unashamedly discuss every little detail – happiness, desires, fears – of their life, whether it is from the past, present, or future. There are other psychological needs – to be accepted unconditionally, appreciated, recognized, respected, desired, valued, approved of, or complimented – that affect the way we communicate with each other. Listen carefully, ask questions to show that you are genuinely interested and you\'ll be amazed at the spin-offs from becoming a good question asker and a good listener.

Self-Awareness – the First Step to Influencing Others

Great leaders, coaches and communicators don\'t focus extremely on their followers, players and audience. They have a high degree of self-awareness. We all have basic skills to lead, coach, or communicate; unfortunately, most of us have a few psychological blocks when it comes to applying those skills well and consistently. Knowing yourself will help you overcome your own blocks.

Your Have Two Choices: Influence or Be Influenced

There are always two choices: either you can persuade others to help you or you can be persuaded to help them. It is one or the other. Most people are not aware that every human interaction involves a complex process of persuasion and influence. And being unaware, they are usually the ones being persuaded to help others rather than the ones who are doing the persuading

I happened to come cross this article online which I think it is useful who wants to influence others or not want to be influenced too much :) There is part II which I may read tomorrow.

Have a nice weekend.

Have a nice weekend.