文章來源: insight7772012-08-16 03:55:55
羅馬書第一章:18原來神的憤怒,從天上顯明在一切不虔不義的人身上,就是那些行不義阻擋真理的人。19神的事情,人所能知道的,原顯明在人心裏,因為 神已經給他們顯明。20自從造天地以來,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,雖是眼不能見,但借著所造之物就可以曉得,叫人無可推諉。21因為他們雖然知道神, 卻不當作神榮耀祂,也不感謝祂。他們的思念變為虛妄,無知的心就昏暗了。22自稱為聰明,反成了愚拙。23將不能朽壞之神的榮耀變為偶像,仿佛必朽壞的人 和飛禽走獸昆蟲的樣式。24所以神任憑他們逞著心裏的情欲行汙穢的事,以致彼此玷辱自己的身體。25他們將神的真實變為虛謊,去敬拜事奉受造之物,不敬奉 那造物的主。主乃是可稱頌的,直到永遠,阿們。26因此神任憑他們放縱可羞恥的情欲:他們的女人把順性的用處變為逆性的用處;27男人也是如此,棄了女人 順性的用處,欲火攻心、彼此貪戀,男和男行可羞恥的事,就在自己身上受這妄為當得的報應。28他們既然故意不認識神,神就任憑他們存邪僻的心,行那些不合 理的事。29裝滿了各樣不義、邪惡、貪婪、惡毒;滿心是嫉妒、凶殺、爭競、詭詐、毒恨;30又是讒毀的、背後說人的、怨恨神的、侮慢人的、狂傲的、自誇 的、捏造惡事的、違背父母的、31無知的、背約的、無親情的、不憐憫人的。32他們雖知道,神判定行這樣事的人是當死的,然而他們不但自己去行,還喜歡別 人去行。


“如 此看來,科學更使我們相信世界漫無目的,毫無意義。置身於這樣的世界,從今往後,我們的理想必須尋到安身之處,如果還能尋得到的話。人是原因的產物,不曉 得末後的結局;人的出生、成長、希望與懼怕,愛與信念,隻不過是原子的偶然排列組合;激情、英雄氣概、深邃的思想與強烈的感受都不能留住生命使之逃離死 亡;世世代代的勞苦,所有的熱情,所有的靈感,所有輝煌的才華注定要在太陽係茫茫的死亡中消逝,人類成就的殿堂終歸要埋在宇宙廢墟的瓦礫中。所有這一切, 即便不是無可非議,也是真實確鑿,任何哲學都無法否認。” (Bertrand Russell, "A Free Man's Worship," in Why I am Not a Christian (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957, pp. 106-107.)




 進化論的錯誤在於試圖利用無知的骰子來解釋未知。結構的複雜性會在隨機過程中被耗散掉,信息也會因此失去,而不是相反。 進化論其實是崇拜無知的沒有生命的骰子為生命智慧的創造者,沒有靈的動物為祖先,沒有生命的物質為生命的源泉;它認為無知可以創造智慧,混亂可以創造秩 序,物質自己能產生思維,物質自身能產生生命,物質能產生自我意識,個性,悟性,理性,德性,人性。事實上,智慧隻能靠更高的智慧來創造,生命隻能靠更高 級的生命來創造。

另外,根據熱力學定律,要把低秩序的能量轉化為高秩序的能量,則需要一個高度有秩序的機製,根據一定設計藍圖,以及複雜的轉換 機製和機構,並靠犧牲更多更有秩序的能量才能實現。這就完全排除宇宙機械係統通過隨機變化而其複雜度提高的可能,即使局部複雜度自行提高也是不可能的。


從另一個方麵看,這世界有統一規律本身就可以說明它不是隨機變來的 ;也證明了世界的變化有方向性,規律性和目的,否則規律隻能是是隨機冒出的。

1) 大規模複雜物理係統,如天氣宇宙機械係統等等,呈現出高度複雜的特性,給人一個假象,好像他們是隨機地變化,帶有偶然性。其實不管物理係統多複雜,都會絕對遵守一切物理定律,理論上電腦可以完全計算出宇宙機械係統的運動規律,並對其未來做出預測,但實際上電腦一般不能對複雜非線性宇宙機械係統做出長期預測,因為不能對計算誤差進行有效的控製,同時根據海森堡“測不準原理”,我們也不可能完全準確知道宇宙機械係統的現狀。這種誤差會在對未來預測計算中不斷被放大而造成結果完全失效。斯蒂芬·霍金以一般人能了解的話,為這個原理做了個界定:“一個人若是連宇宙的現況都無法正確測定,自然不可能正確地預言未來事件!”  可見對複雜物理係統預測模擬的困難,並不在於其運行的偶然性,而是在於其複雜性。

2) 唯物論認為人隻是純物質,沒有獨立的可掌控肉體的靈魂。但是,人的行為卻不能用物理定律描述和預測。於是有人就錯誤的認為,是因為人的大腦太複雜,以至於不能用物理定律來預測。這還導致部分人錯誤地認為是人的行動是偶然發生的。按1)的分析,這是錯誤的。另外電腦變得越來越複雜,但根本沒有表現出任何人腦思維的特征,充其量隻能做數據處理, 即不可能有自由意誌,也沒有感情,想象力和創造性思維。即使電腦比人腦更複雜,大腦裏有規則控製的推理過程可以在電腦裏再現,但歸納過程,自我意識,大腦的全部物理和非物理過程不可能在電腦裏重現。也就是說,電腦不可能 產生新知識,人不能靠有限的已知靠邏輯推理推出新知識,更不能推出無限的未知, 哥德爾不完備定理已經證實了這點。所以物質本身不可能會思考, 也沒有感情,智慧隻能靠更高智慧來創造。

另外,許多宇宙機械係統比人的大腦複雜得多,但並沒有智慧的任何征兆。我們可以肯定地按基本原理來說,物質本身並沒有思維能力,不管其結構多麽複雜。那人為什麽會有思維能力呢? 對這個問題唯一的解釋是,人有靈魂,而人的靈魂能指揮掌控人的身體而改變宇宙機械係統的運行方向,而且靈魂本身又不遵守物理定律。因此,人的行為完全不可能用物理模型來描述預測。類似地,有人參與的係統,如經濟,市場,體育比賽和人類曆史等等,都不能用物理定律來預測。對有靈魂控製的宇宙機械係統,任何物理模型都是束手無策,根本無法通過計算模擬描述其運動變化規律,並對其做出預測。這是因為雖然受靈魂掌控的宇宙機械係統雖然遵守物理規律,但其運轉方向卻隨時被靈魂所控製而不能被預測。

唯物論者可能還有一個疑問:如果靈魂能掌控人的身體,為什麽大腦受損傷後會影響人的思維能力呢?為什麽靈魂不能獨立於大腦而運作?這是因為人活著時,靈魂跟身體是緊密結合的(tight-coupling),即其跟人體重合的功能全被關閉,不能獨立運行。隻有人死的霎那間,靈魂才能脫離身體而獨立運行。 一些宗教教人通過特殊訓練,如打坐,練氣功,練瑜伽,試圖使人的靈魂被關閉的功能打開,而使靈魂獨立於身體而運行(如開天眼,千裏眼,他心通,順風耳,靈魂出鞘等等)。 很多時候,這些訓練都會造成人的精神混亂,甚至會造成精神病或死亡。

最後,如果這個世界是純物質的,它不可能有道德律,物質隻能遵守物理定律,再複雜的宇宙機械係統也沒有道德律。 而人心靈裏確存在普世的道德律。這就從另一個方麵證實,這個世界不是純物質的。


1) 世界是有限的,並處於衰落之中,其壽命也是有限的;
2) 世界的發展是有規律的,不是偶然的,是有方向性的,其存在是有目的的,是被創造出來的, 並在被造時獲得第一推動力;
3) 靈界是獨立於物理世界而存在的,靈界能掌控改變宇宙機械係統的運行方向。


By Eric Pfeiffer,雅虎新聞|
2012年10月10 (Insight翻譯)












“我 還是一名醫生,仍然是一位科學工作者,就像我從前沒有這段經驗之前一樣。” 亞曆山大寫道。 “但在深的層次,我跟以前的我是非常不同的一個人。因為我已經瞥見了這個新現實的畫麵。當我告訴你,你可以相信我,這將是值得每一個人,包括我們後麵來 的,去努力爭取,把該做的做好。“






亞 曆山大是受過專門高深訓練的神經外科醫生,在他的職業生涯中,他已經為數千大腦動過手術。他以前隻知道,有信仰的人所說的“靈魂”其實是大腦化學物質的產 品。要是按他以前的解釋的話,瀕死體驗,可能對經曆過的人來說很真實,但實際上他們隻是在極端壓力下的大腦所產生的幻想。

但有一天,亞曆 山大博士自己的大腦得了一種極為罕見的疾病。大腦中控製思想和情感的那部分,,也就是使我們從本質來說成為人類的那部分,完全停止工作。亞曆山大躺在醫院 的病床上,處於深度昏迷狀態整整七天。最後當他的醫生正在考慮是否停止治療時,亞曆山大的眼睛突然睜開了。他醒了過來。


這 個故事聽起來就像一位熟練的幻想作家所描寫的狂妄而美妙的想象。但它不是幻想。在亞曆山大進行這個旅程之前,他無法將他的神經科學知識與對天堂,上帝,或 靈魂的信仰相調和。那種對信仰的困難產生了一個空洞,沒有如何專業上的成功可以消除。但如今,作為一位醫生,他相信隻有當我們認識到上帝和靈魂是真實的, 我們才能得到真實的健康,死亡才不是個人存在終結,而隻是一個過渡。



“埃本-亞曆山大博士的瀕死體驗,是我研究這一現象四十多年裏聽到最震驚的。 他是來世的的活生生的證據。”(Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D. “死後的生命”的作者)

“埃 亞曆山大給神聖世界帶來了獨特的視角。這個神聖世界結合了精神意識的光輝和個人異象與耐心的有見地的科學探究。‘天堂的證明’,是關乎未來我們所有的人所 麵臨的超越今生的來世的一個引人入勝的故事。我們沒有什麽可擔心的。” Allan J. Hamilton, MD, FACS, “手術刀,靈魂,禪者和禪馬“的作者。

“我高度推薦這本重要的書,它有可能打破許多科學的禁忌。” Dr. Pim van Lommel,心髒專科醫生,“超越生命的意識:瀕死體驗的科學“的作者。

“ ‘天堂的證明’不僅僅是關於與精神現實相遇的令人驚訝的敘述。亞曆山大博士的神經係統科學的職業生涯告訴他,瀕死體驗是以大腦為基礎的幻想。但是,他的個 人經曆使他目瞪口呆。他試圖了解這個難忘的曆程而經曆了誠實的內心掙紮,使這個故事引人入勝,也使它成為關乎精神體驗的獨特的文獻。這可能會改變我們如何 理解我們在宇宙中的角色。“Bruce Greyson, MD, ”瀕死體驗手冊:30年的調查“的作者之一。



埃本-亞 曆山大三世博士一直是一位活躍於學術界的神經外科醫生,其中有15年他是在位於波士頓的哈佛醫學院Brigham與婦女兒童醫院工作。在他的學術生涯中, 他在有同行評審的學術期刊上發表了或與他人合作發表了150篇論文,在會議上和世界各地的醫療中心,做了超過200個演講。他以前一直以為他了解大腦是如 何產生意識,思想和精神。

在2008年11月10日黎明前,他被一種堪稱神秘罕見的細菌性腦膜炎打入昏迷狀態,原因不明。他在一個星期 裏,一直處於昏迷狀態,靠呼吸機生存,他的生存的希望在迅速地消失。到了第七天,每個人感到驚訝的是,他開始蘇醒過來。關於他昏迷中生活的記憶已經完全被 刪除,但他醒來的時候,一個夢幻般的深入到了另一個境界的旅程的回憶曆曆在目, 甚至比這塵世的更真實!他的大兒子勸他,把他能記得的關於這個旅程的一切都寫下來,然後才去閱讀有關瀕死體驗,物理學和宇宙學的書。六個星期後,他完成了 關於他的不平凡旅程的首次記錄,超過2萬字的篇幅。然後,他開始閱讀它,使他感到很驚訝的,是他的旅程給瀕臨死亡的經驗和關於自我意識的文獻帶來的洞見。 他的經驗清楚地揭露,不管我們的大腦 是否存在或工作,我們都有自我意識。其實,意識是一切存在的根源。


他得到祝福而完全恢複,並寫了一本關於這個最強有力的改變生活的故事。Simon & Schuster將在2012年10月23日出版他的書,書名為“天堂的證明:一位神經外科醫生的到來世之旅”。


Heaven is real, says neurosurgeon who claims to have visited the afterlife

Dr. Eben Alexander claims to have visited the afterlife (Twitter)

Dr. Eben Alexander has taught at Harvard Medical School and has earned a strong reputation as a neurosurgeon. And while Alexander says he's long called himself a Christian, he never held deeply religious beliefs or a pronounced faith in the afterlife.

But after a week in a coma during the fall of 2008, during which his neocortex ceased to function, Alexander claims he experienced a life-changing visit to the afterlife, specifically heaven.

"According to current medical understanding of the brain and mind, there is absolutely no way that I could have experienced even a dim and limited consciousness during my time in the coma, much less the hyper-vivid and completely coherent odyssey I underwent," Alexander writes in the cover story of this week's edition of Newsweek.

So what exactly does heaven look like?

Alexander says he first found himself floating above clouds before witnessing, "transparent, shimmering beings arced across the sky, leaving long, streamer like lines behind them."

He claims to have been escorted by an unknown female companion and says he communicated with these beings through a method of correspondence that transcended language. Alexander says the messages he received from those beings loosely translated as:

"You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever."

"You have nothing to fear."

"There is nothing you can do wrong."

From there, Alexander claims to have traveled to "an immense void, completely dark, infinite in size, yet also infinitely comforting." He believes this void was the home of God.


After recovering from his meningitis-induced coma, Alexander says he was reluctant to share his experience with his colleagues but found comfort inside the walls of his church. He's chronicled his experience in a new book, "Proof of Heaven: A neurosurgeon's journey into the afterlife," which will be published in late October.

"I'm still a doctor, and still a man of science every bit as much as I was before I had my experience," Alexander writes. "But on a deep level I'm very different from the person I was before, because I've caught a glimpse of this emerging picture of reality. And you can believe me when I tell you that it will be worth every bit of the work it will take us, and those who come after us, to get it right."

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Proof of Heaven

Eben Alexander III M.D.

Book Description
October 23, 2012

Near-death experiences, or NDEs, are controversial. Thousands of people have had them, but many in the scientific community have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those people.

A highly trained neurosurgeon who had operated on thousands of brains in the course of his career, Alexander knew that what people of faith call the “soul” is really a product of brain chemistry. NDEs, he would have been the first to explain, might feel real to the people having them, but in truth they are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress.

Then came the day when Dr. Alexander’s own brain was attacked by an extremely rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion—and in essence makes us human— shut down completely. For seven days Alexander lay in a hospital bed in a deep coma. Then, as his doctors weighed the possibility of stopping treatment, Alexander’s eyes popped open. He had come back.

Alexander’s recovery is by all accounts a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself.

This story sounds like the wild and wonderful imaginings of a skilled fantasy writer. But it is not fantasy. Before Alexander underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul. That difficulty with belief created an empty space that no professional triumph could erase. Today he is a doctor who believes that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the soul are real and that death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition.

This story would be remarkable no matter who it happened to. That it happened to Dr. Alexander makes it revolutionary. No scientist or person of faith will be able to ignore it. Reading it will change your life.

Editorial Reviews


“Dr. Eben Alexander’s near-death experience is the most astounding I have heard in more than four decades of studying this phenomenon. [He] is living proof of an afterlife.” (Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D., author of Life After Life )

“Eben Alexander brings a unique perspective to the sacred world combining a glorious, personal vision of spiritual consciousness with patient, insightful scientific inquiry. Proof of Heaven is a compelling story of what may lie ahead for all of us in the life beyond this one. We have nothing to fear.” —Allan J. Hamilton, MD, FACS, author of The Scalpel and the Soul and Zen Mind, Zen Horse

“I can highly recommend this important book that has the potential to break many scientific taboos.” —Dr. Pim van Lommel, cardiologist, author of Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience

Proof of Heaven is more than just an awe-inspiring account of a profound encounter with spiritual reality. Dr. Alexander’s neuroscience career taught him that near-death experiences are brain-based illusions, and yet his personal experience left him dumbstruck. His honest struggle to make sense of this unforgettable journey is a gripping story, unique in the literature of spiritual experiences, that may well change how we understand our role in the universe.” —Bruce Greyson, MD, co-editor of The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation

About the Author

Eben Alexander, M.D., has been an academic neurosurgeon for the last twenty-five years, including fifteen years at the Brigham & Women’s and the Children’s Hospitals and Harvard Medical School in Boston. Visit him at http://www.lifebeyonddeath.net .

More About the Author


Dr. Eben Alexander III has been an academic neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women's and the Children's Hospitals and Harvard Medical School in Boston. Over his academic career he authored or co-authored over 150 chapters and papers in peer reviewed journals, and made over 200 presentations at conferences and medical centers around the world. He thought he had a very good idea of how the brain generates consciousness, mind and spirit.

In the predawn hours of November 10, 2008, he was driven into coma by a rare and mysterious bacterial meningitis-encephalitis of unknown cause. He spent a week in coma on a ventilator, his prospects for survival diminishing rapidly. On the seventh day, to the surprise of everyone, he started to awaken. Memories of his life had been completely deleted inside of coma, yet he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm - more real than this earthly one! His older son advised him to write down everything he could remember about his journey, before he read anything about near-death experiences, physics or cosmology. Six weeks later, he completed his initial recording of his remarkable journey, totaling over 20,000 words in length. Then he started reading, and was astonished by the insights his journey brought to the world's literature on near-death experiences, and to all phenomena of extended consciousness. His experience clearly revealed that we are conscious in spite of our brain - that, in fact, consciousness is at the root of all existence.

His story offers a crucial key to the understanding of reality and human consciousness. It will have a major effect on how we view spirituality, soul and the non-material realm. In analyzing his experience, including the scientific possibilities and grand implications, he envisions a more complete reconciliation of modern science and spirituality as a natural product.

He has been blessed with a complete recovery, and has written a book about this most powerful, life-changing story. Simon & Schuster will publish his book, entitled "Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife" on October 23, 2012.

For more information, including video links and reading list, visit http://www.lifebeyonddeath.net