剛才女兒告訴我Atlanta 槍擊案警察局發言人的一個新聞
文章來源: gzlady2021-03-19 20:54:33

女兒說到在槍擊案發生的第二天, 槍擊案警察局發言人說案犯在殺人那天was having a “bad day.”  聽眾哇然。 隨後他又被發現他在網上賣印有 “IMPORTED VIRUS FROM CHY-NA.” 的 shirts。 這個發言人就被撤了下來。

"Baker's comments and social media history had fueled calls for him to resign amid long-running concerns about racism in law enforcement, capping a year in which many warned that phrases like “China virus” were inciting sometimes-violent prejudice against Asian Americans. For critics, they undermined trust in authorities’ work on an attack that seemed to many inseparable from the race and gender of its victims, even as authorities say the motive remains unclear. And they downplayed the actions of a White suspect who, according to Baker, may have visited the spas before, claimed to have a “sexual addiction” and said he wanted to eliminate a “temptation.”"


看了這個新聞,我也提醒網友們少在社交網站用“中國病毒”這詞了, 會給自己惹麻煩的