文章來源: 北京二號2008-10-18 10:06:38

Ode to Lotus
Translated by Jade Meng


Many kinds of flowering plants, either living in water or on land, are appealing. Tao Yuanming of Jin Dynasty was only fond of the chrysanthemum. Since the Tang Dynasty, it has been a fashion to adore the peony.

I only admire the lotus: it rises out of sludge without being defiled; it sways with ripples without going coquettish; it is humble inside and upright outside; it has no superfluous branches; its subtle perfume floats far; it stands quietly and gracefully, only to be revered at a distance, not to be profaned closely.

In my opinion, the chrysanthemum is the flower of eremite and leisure; the peony the flower of wealth and status; the lotus the flower of noble character.

Alas! Few have loved the chrysanthemum since Tao Yuanming, and who else would share my adoration of the lotus? However, almost everyone likes the popular peony.