Phil Davis 一萬塊的 portfolio
文章來源: xxq20012010-05-06 21:53:59

我發現這位說的特準, 前些天看見的,他剛說讓出清就開始大掉了。

Mopping up the April Showers


一萬塊的 portfolio

Options Sage submits:
“Never risk what you do have and do need on what you don’t have and don’t need”

Smart portfolio management is a world apart from conventional portfolio management. While conventional portfolio management offers generic guidelines to diversify capital, smart portfolio management is tailored to your personal circumstances. With that in mind this article has been divided into a three-part series. The first discusses a $10K portfolio while the second will offer suggestions for a $100K portfolio and the final article will discuss $1M portfolios.

Although this first article in the series addresses prudent strategies for a $10K portfolio, many conservative investors are likely to find the strategies addressed throughout suitable for their own portfolios – though the % allocations will differ as we will see in the future articles. N o matter what your risk tolerance, a portfolio comprising some relatively conservative trades is always prudent!
