文章來源: 走馬讀人2015-02-28 20:48:40
職業照顧不堵塞,工作協作無口角 6 words
The vowels are arranged according to frontness, explaining the decreasing 62 frequency
Good news is my book, a remarkable discovery, will be on market by April. Although the price  of $85 may daunt you, it will be a worthy collection.
忍X字都要搞錯,何等草率! n
hacker 開闢者 differ from 創造者 by idea or no, i.e. labor or mental
交付運載      陳資和 name secret
2 words su- for sulian
Singapore Chinese test mostly 虛無縹緲,不務實質--essence
river川, 河   row 排  ravel 拆開 
表率不帥,可能被摔. example 音樂模擬大規模

準備 vs. 即席 a secret
耳 vs. 聽 secret 聽 is stupid, and they will listen to avoid further loss.
發 X. The traditional Chinese characters were mangled beyond recognition by those great sages.
Only a master can perform 即席 without 準備, but many thought they are.
漢字如長袍,岸然,美而不便; 西字如西服, 便而不能一統之


(2015-01-17 08:19:36) 下一個
可是也好不到哪裡去  :(
"我的自由libration主義戰士", from a movie line 台詞
市邊水汽不稀薄,精巧煙花在大都 new finding
以為一些撮要,看來好像一樣, 5 words