文章來源: 走馬讀人2013-03-27 08:16:31
小販不如腳夫 吹牛愛吹家譜 步行難比遠洋苦 教書匠不要迂腐

驕恣教師矯飾秀 焦頭教練嚼舌頭 絞盡腦汁校腳本 繳槍攪亂一鍋粥
驕恣教師矯飾秀 焦頭教練嚼舌頭 絞盡腦汁校腳本 繳槍攪亂一鍋粥
Unbridled arrogant teachers pretense show/ coke head coach masticutes
Tongue/ rack his brain to check script/ lay down their arms to disrupt gruel

價值可上下,防止妨礙下,傾聽要豎耳,耷耳扇嘴巴 3 pri-
prick my ears to prevent risk,

應學英鷹不學鸚 蠅營盈利不為贏 穎慧過硬識英秘 應運而生映山紅
Google: Should learn from hero eagles not parrots/Flies seek profit can't be winners/With perspicacity we know excellently the English secret/Emerge as the times require mapped days red


從長遠看牛,所以我捂住不看不動. I had a good dream image of them.

講比率不輕率浮淺 講曲率不率直率先 講贏率不率爾應戰

任人擺佈危險,精確要求穩住,先機可能偏差,珍貴不必正好 4 pre-


銀*行容易搶,*排長更好當,*公羊抵*角,*淩亂無章,*敲詐閃一旁4+1 words r- a-
前朝禁軍後福晉 多日高昇催速進 晉級二日橫禍生 林表失事示禁令 3 jin words

The front court imperial guards back garden the Princess Multi-day rising high urges speedy entry
Advance to two suns disaster emerges Lin Biao crash shows ban

教人禁止匆忙動,費盡口舌說不通,心煩意亂總不中,缺乏協調惡性腫   6 t- 

乾旱趕緊,箭杆在弦,肝膽相照,感動敢幹,一竿到底,甘苦免談,乾淨俐落,乾坤扭轉     Drought hurry, shaft chord,Liver Gall to shine, touched by daring to do a pole in the end, stand no chance, neat and tidy, heaven and earth to reverse