七夕, 乱读 > 不读
文章來源: 走馬讀人2010-08-09 14:33:31
Book · Xiao Ya Big East:
Victoria days of the Han, monitoring is also light. He Vega foot with six toes, all day long seven-hsiang.
Though seven-hsiang, not a newspaper, Anhui he cows, not to serve me.
(Poem Weaver, Weaver, still just two stars, the ancients to the anthropomorphic)

Nineteen, the span of Altair Anonymous (Han)
Span of Altair, the shining milky female. Su Zhuo slender hands, Zaza get a loom.
All day not a chapter, Qiti zero rain. Milky clear and shallow, quite different complex dash.
Ying Ying of water, the Pulse not language.
(Weaver, Weaver added between the epic tragedy of love)

Music Bureau Poetry volume IV 15 clear business Qu 2
Tanabata Night female singer 9 Anonymous (Jin)
Miharu resentment from sniffle, Yan Qiu period of nine songs. Luan line drive on, the economic river next month.
River from Qiu Yun, Han Example cool hair. Xiao Lu Yan out with, funny to the moon.
Kim Han-song from the wind, Su-Ming river. Chapter seven unpaired piece, swallows from long River.
Separated from the cold and heat in spring, next fall will be temporary one. Do not sigh a long two days, double the situation if the hungry.
Euphemistic not end the eve of another anniversary of a period. Silkworm cocoon without painting hanging silk night long.
Ling piece blame away from the office, Suoju across river. Mystery cloud should not be mine, is the Shannon sing songs sigh.
Zhenyu golden bands, wipe eye visions star orchid. Melancholy Dengyun light carriage, Beihen two love Satan.
Wind Can not drive Ying, who stand in the court wing. Flute pipe and stop blowing, show me love from Syria.
Daisy Li Yan Cui cover, slope on the window according to Qi. Title from the sleeve of a robe grief grip, easy to Seoul also in content.

July 7 Wing cattle day and night with female poetry Hsieh (Southern)
Sunset hidden eaves Ying, Sheng Yue Zhao curtain cage. Round and round over Ye Lu, Analysis of vibration analysis of the wind section.
CDs feet wide through the addition, Li has dome blink. Milky has a soul piece, Mi-year phase from Que.
Love ya Nick Sichuan resistance, repair Example Kuang Ching Yung. Not a get Tochimoto algae, towering bridle greedy ago disappeared.
Archives from the autumn has two, this unparalleled evening together. Easy to turn back the dumping River, Helen section are difficult for a long time.
If the driving rotation Wo Ling, solitude cloud tent empty. Gu Hua mercy sleep, remote heart by Ben Long.
After thinking about it for the sense of Seoul, Song of Yae.

Tanabata Shen Quan period (Tang)
Autumn Near Flying Geese rare, their high degree of night flying days. Makeup as to be idle organization or even in return crossing.
On Jiao Yichuan line, fine, have exposure suits. Came imperceptibly, a glorious experience of God.

Tanabata Song Q (Tang)
Mission Magazine Star Yuan, Annual water corner. Shuttle stop by crickets, to pay to stay clever spider.
To the day from the clouds, please, in the final round of the queues on input. Mo Yan meet wide sky day should be special.

Tanabata words Cui Hao (Don)
Changan month as train, and everyone held this evening sewing.
Fairy dress jade air knowing, heaven and earth do not meet.
Long letters turn dark overcast night quiet, Yao Order of the Golden Pavilion few fireflies stream.
Ban Xi Ji worry this infinite, three-shift line is drawn to see Bull.

Abroad Tanabata Meng (Tang)
Abroad every Tanabata, the hotel benefits restrain sorrow. Not see needle woman, left with homeland floor.
Xu early by hot air, the new moon before the autumn Pro. Peep who endure the milky way, the span of Q Bull.

Cows Vega (excerpt) Du Fu (Tang)
Cows out of Hexi, Weaver out of the East. Forever forever the sea, Tanabata who see the same?
SG Italy difficult climate, the matter finally hazy. Soughing Wizard together, He Biqiu then pass.

Tanabata ancestral Wing (Tang)
Daughter female seeking days, meaning no more Lanna Lanna. Yu Ting open pink seats, Luo Xiu holding gold plate.
Easy to thread a needle on, the Wind full line of hard. I do not know who was clever, once the test phase read out.

Everlasting Regret (excerpt) Bai (Tang)
Gracious parting resend words, swear words have two hearts to know.
July 7 Palace of Eternal Youth, middle of the night when no one whisper.
Willing to make pair of lovebirds in the day, in the way trees with branches.
World will eventually come to do, Grief Without an End.

Tanabata Bai (Tang)
Xiao-Dan sky on smoke Micro, silverside autumn of the same forever.
Dash of love and Huan Li Hen, and on this night in the middle.

Tanabata Song Cao (Tang)
Bovine female phase of Tanabata autumn, meet, all magpies horizontal flow.
Clouds in the misty back gold chariot, jade moon moon hanging hook.
Yan Yu few who do not hate Tim, Huarong end does not even blush.
More residue is sub-breasted Department, Xiao arrows to shoot Tsui East.

Tanabata Quan (Tang)
Magpie Bridge today goes parallel transition should be non-Pulse and the span.
Hi family actually open makeup mirror, on the next needle worship Jiuxiao.

Tanabata (Tang) Xu Ning
A bridge of magpies Wang Miao Miao, Ling-Ling Sounds jade too.
Leave off there for years, Chang Wang as Hegu star.

Tanabata Huang Shi Zhao (Tang)
Magpie Bridge opened Ukraine the first pair of fans, across the river to once every year.
Mo too thin sky meet, is still as human to bring it back.
To reduce the fireworks Rao earthly, temporary troubles cloud cover balcony.
Do the old road when the long clean and shallow, Qiken from feeling like dying embers.

Question Tanabata Figure Huang Zhao (Tang)
Royal Son Chuixiao on Cuiwei, autumn song Fenghuang return.
July next year, re-meet, still hung Vega machine.

Xinwei Tanabata yin (Tang)
Fear is a good parting Xianjia, so teaching Tiao delivery for wedding day.
Origin of the blue sky Silver River, and what will happen when Jinfeng Yu Lu.
Qing leakage gradually moved across for a long time, not take over the micro-cloud arrived late.
How can Ukraine do not intend to pay the magpie, but with the spider silk QiQiao?
詩經·小雅》 大東∶
維天有漢,監亦有光。 彼織女,終日七襄。

《古詩十九首》迢迢牽牛星 佚名(東漢)??
迢迢牽牛星, 皎皎河漢女。 纖纖擢素手, 劄劄弄機杼。
終日不成章, 泣涕零如雨。 河漢清且淺, 相去複幾許。
盈盈一水間, 脈脈不得語。

《樂府詩集 卷四十五清商曲辭二》

昔離秋已兩,今聚夕無雙。傾河易回斡,款情難久 。

七夕???沈 期(唐)

七夕???宋之問 (唐)
傳道仙星媛,年年會水隅。 停梭借蟋蟀,留巧付蜘蛛。
去晝從雲請,歸輪佇日輸。 莫言相見闊,天上日應殊。


他鄉逢七夕,旅館益羈愁。 不見穿針婦,空懷故國樓。
緒風初減熱,新月始臨秋。 誰忍窺河漢,迢迢問鬥牛。



七月七日長生殿, 夜半無人私語時。
在天願做比翼鳥, 在地願為連理枝。
天長地久有時盡, 此恨綿綿無絕期。



七夕???權德輿 (唐)

七夕 (唐)徐凝


帝子吹簫上翠微, 秋風一曲鳳皇歸。
明年七月重相見, 依舊高懸織女機。
