霓虹燈, 照著外甥打燈籠. 無用功, 一無所知便煩人.甚(腎)神經,
文章來源: 走馬讀人2009-11-02 07:37:38
霓虹燈, 照著外甥打燈籠.
無用功, 一無所知便煩人.
自家醜,掏了鳥窩捅馬蜂. (guess 9 English words)


馬馬虎虎呼濁氣, 膽大心細吸香氣, 吐故納新代謝足, 吾善養吾浩然氣.2009-10-27 11:04:29
Perfunctorily one can only breathe dirty air,
Boldly but cautiously, aroma,
With throughly metabolic process,
I cultivate my noble spirit.
去誘惑, 不鑽套, 少護理, 禁消耗(戰),好心態, 獲法寶, 理想境, 能達到.(guess 5 English words)

貪念嶺領今,常常要丟金,冷陰伶令琴,常常能穩贏.Greed,yearning,ridge,foreman,rashness, often lost gold.Cold, plot, clever,regulatory,careful, often able to win.

揮去的是黃貨, 欣賞的是霞,
呼的是穢氣, 吸的是新,
胡鬧的是花帥, 笑迎的是俠.


To shake off the yellow goods, enjoy the rosy cloud, Red is the swan goose, play with shrimp, breathe out the filthy air, in the new, Run wild dandies, greeting gallant.Simple and honest husband , his wife is like snow, Dream a good thing, thinking incessantly, Evil is the tigers and evil is a scorpion. Fierce-browed, defy blackguard,written in red blood.