文章來源: jtg802008-08-22 05:37:10

犯罪 — 詐騙 — 移民瑞士 — 害人滅口 !

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How the two international super swindlers succeeded in immigrating to Switzerland by bogus marriage?

詐騙犯張虹和她的兒子張傑良 ( 請陝西師大和西安石油大學的廣大師生員工從照片指認這個詐騙犯的真實姓名年齡 ), 從中國西安偽造各種身份證件 , 偽造未婚證明 , 偽造護照 , 改名換姓 , 更改年齡 , 偽造學曆 , 騙到珠海 , 在珠海僅一年時間 , 騙取高級住宅一套 ( 房地產權登記表複印件 : 權證號碼 1895035 身份證件號碼 : 610113620508170 地址 : 珠海 香洲光明街國華中心南棟 4H 。張虹的護照出生年齡 1963 年 5 月 8 日 . 張虹的登記結婚檔案年齡是 1955 年 5 月 5 日 .) 不到 3 年時間,又偽造未婚 ( 謊稱自己是處女 ), 從珠海詐騙婚的方法到了瑞士,成功的取得瑞士的永久居留權。

Initially, Zhang Hong and her son (renamed Zhang Jieliang; the staff and students of Shaanxi Normal University and Xi’an Petroleum University are kindly requested to identify their true name and age) forged their ID cards, unmarried certificate and passports with feigned name, age and educational background in Xi’an (an ancient city in China). After that, she spent only one year to get a high-rank dwelling house (Property Certificate No. 1895035; ID Card No. 610113620508170; address: building 4H, Guohua Center, Guangming Street, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai) by fraud in Zhuhai (a beautiful costal city in China). Zhang Hong’s passport showed her birth date was May 8, 1963 while her wedding registration proved her birth date was May 5, 1955. Three years later, she successfully immigrated to Switzerland, and gained permanent residency by lying that she was unmarried and still a virgin, and so marrying the victim (a Swiss Chinese).

婚後又哭訴自己曾被人強暴懷孕 , 生有個孩子 , 孩子沒有父親 , 很可憐 , 引起受害人的同情 , 婚後 3 個月 13 天 , 受害人又將她的孩子辦到瑞士 , 並做了最好的安置 . 由於受害人是老華人 , 以工資維持生活 , 生活並不富裕 , 毫無怨言的負擔她們母子的生活 , 隻想安定過日子 , 而張虹母子 , 並不滿足 , 隻是以受害人作為橋梁 , 移民瑞士 . 進而跳槽 ,

After this marriage, Zhang Hong sobbed that she had a boy in China since she had ever been raped and got pregnant. This engaged the victim’s sympathy. Then, the victim accomplished the immigration of her son into Switzerland only 103 days after the marriage, and made best arrangement for his life. As an old Swiss Chinese, the victim lived on wage labour with limited income. He was willing to bear their life without complaints simply for having a settled life. But Zhang Hong and her son weren’t satisfied at all. They only viewed the victim as a springboard to attain their higher goal.

當張虹母子 , 有了長期居留權 , 剛剛穩定下來 , , 不到一年時間 , 就開始尋隙鬧事 , 在外勾結不法華人 , 甚至夜不歸宿 . 後來 , 當自己的犯罪事實被受害人發覺後 , 勾結當地不法華人 , 母子二人突然離家出走 , 下落不明 . 然後 , 為了置受害人於死地 , , 反倒法院 誣告 受害人有家庭暴力行為 , 要求法院保護並要求法院將受害人進行製裁 . 采取賊喊捉賊的方法 , 典型的國際黑社會慣用的行之有效的移民方法 , 利用歐美國家的人道和善良 , 有效的達到既害人又成功移民 . 還受到法律保護 . 真是想象不到的高明惡毒 , 采用殺人滅口的方法 , 妄圖置受害人於死地 , 過河拆橋 , 忘恩負義 , 恩將仇報 , 惡毒至極 ! 天理難容 !,

Not long after Zhang Hong and her son gained permanent residency, they began to pick quarrels and fights with the victim, gang up with local unlawful Chinese and even not go home all night. When the victim awaked to their criminal facts, they, with the help of local unlawful Chinese, ran away from home suddenly without any message left. After a period of time, in order to put the victim to death, the two criminals brought a false charge against the victim for domestic violence, asking for court protection and cracking down on the victim. The trick of a thief crying ‘Stop thief’ is a typical and effective immigration means used by International Mafia. Utilizing the humanism and kindness of western countries, they not only immigrated successfully, but caused deep injury to the victim, while protected by law. What an intelligent skill! They wanted to expose the victim to mortal danger because they were full aware of the truth of “dead men tell no tales”! In Chinese saying, they tore down the bridge after crossing the river; bit the hand that fed her; and returned kindness with ingratitude! What spiteful and treacherous persons! They will never be pardoned!

讓人驚歎的是,僅僅在瑞士很短時間,就和當地的不法華人勾結,采取特殊手段 , 買通了伯爾尼法院的法官,成功的將法官拉下水 , 替它們兩個詐騙犯以法律文件的形式, 誣告受害人 , 用受害人的血汗,洗刷了他們的罪行 . 奇怪的是 : 在大量的經過中國國家公證 , 證明張虹母子偽造證件的鐵證麵前 , 法官不但不認可 , 也不做任何調查 , 以法律的形式 , 承認犯罪人的偽造的所有證件都是合法的 , 真實的 , 法官公開以法律文件形式 , 替兩個犯罪分子成功的洗刷罪行 , 成為她的代言人 ! 可見這個女人的本事有多厲害 ! 搖身一變假的變成真的 . 壞人變成了好人 , 好人卻成了壞人 !

Amazingly, only in a very short period of time, Zhang Hong and her son colluded with local unlawful Chinese, and with their help, greased the hands of a judge of Bern Court, and dragged him into the mire. The judge then employed the laws and the power in his hand to purge their crimes at the cost of sweat and toil of an innocent victim. Strange enough, the judge acknowledged the truth and legality of all feigned certificates provided by the criminals in court without any investigation in spite of a large number of the victim’s irrefutable evidences notarized by Chinese notary office, thus purging their crimes in legal form, and becoming their spokesman. What a magic woman! She could change False into Truth, and turn goats to sheep!

這裏有兩張照片,一張是張虹,一張是其子張傑良 ( 請網民指認真名實姓和年齡 ) ,張虹原在中國西安市石油大學打雜 , 張虹的丈夫翟道軍 , 在陝西師大圖書館工作 , 其子在陝西師大幼兒園 , 附小 , 附中上學。後又偽造各種證件跑到珠海 . 請認識這兩個人的所有人士,證明張虹是哪個大學的畢業生,年齡多大,又是哪個大學的老師 ( 連基本化學符號都不認識 , 說唐吉坷德是北京吹糖人的 ) ,結婚了嗎 ? 是不是未婚處女(征婚啟事),是不是曾被人未婚強暴生子(騙瑞士人和受害人的同情),張虹的兒子的姓名年齡和他父親的姓名 .

These two pictures are respectively photographs of Zhang Hong and her son (Zhang Jieliang; the on-liners who knew them are kindly requested to identify their true names and ages). Originally, Zhang Hong was employed as a scrubwoman in Xi’an Petroleum University. Her husband (Zhai Daojun) worked at the library of Shaanxi Normal University. Her son had studied in the kindergarten, primary school and middle school affiliated to Shaanxi Normal University. Later, she faked various papers and certificates, and resettled in Zhuhai. Could anyone who knew her make sure which universities she graduated from and served as a teacher at (she even didn’t know the most basic chemical symbols, and ever described Don Quixote as a Beijing’s street artist who blows the maltose into lifelike figures), how old she was, if she was married or an unmarried virgin as stated in Marriage Wanted, whether she was raped and then had the son (engaging Swiss and victim’s sympathy), and what names and ages of her son and husband were?

請陝西師大和西安石油大學的廣大師生員工來指證,挽救被張虹陷害的人。張虹及其家人 , 一貫以殺人滅口 , 回報對他們的善良和愛心 , 進而掩蓋他們的犯罪行為 .

The staff and students of Shaanxi Normal University and Xi’an Petroleum University are kindly requested to prove their identifications so as to save the victim from malicious prosecution. Zhang Hong and her family have been returning one’s love to them by killing him/her in order to conceal their malefactions.

張虹讓人失去人生的信念 , 失去了人對人的信任 , 失去做好人的理想 ! 對人性造成不可估量的精神摧殘 !

Zhang Hong makes people lose faith in life, human and ideals, causing immeasurable damage to personal spirit!

張虹利用女性和特種犯罪手法 , 讓多少政府官員走上犯罪的道路 , 包括已被法辦的未被發現的犯罪分子 . 如為她偽造護照內容的前陝西省公安廳某處長 , 由於這位張虹的情夫為震驚國際的大案賴昌新案辦理出國護照而案發入獄 .

Zhang Hong led so many governmental officials onto criminal road using her fair sex, including a high official of the Public Security Department of Shaanxi Province who, as one of her lovers, had provided false papers to her, but had been imprisoned as one of the major offenders in worldwide known Canadian Lai Changxing case.

現將這個詐騙團夥的幾個有關人員的情況請大家了解 :

Hereunder is an introduction to the members of this swindler group:

主犯之一 : 張虹的父親張一峰 , 偽造各種證明 , 改名換姓 , 更改年齡的後台 , , 住址 : 西安石油大學 15 號樓 307 室 . 凡認識此人者 , 問問他的女兒張虹 , 是什麽大學畢業 , 在哪個大學當老師 , 他的外孫叫什麽名字 , 多大年齡 , 是 婚生子 , 還是 私生子 ? 怎麽去的瑞士 . 看他如何回答認識他的人 .

Zhang Yifang: Zhang Hong’s father. As one of principal offenders, he plotted the change of name and age. His address: room 307, building 15, Xi’an Petroleum University. Anyone who knows him may ask him which universities his daughter graduated from and served as a teacher at, what name and age of his grandson are, whether his grandson was born within or outside of wedlock, and how his grandson immigrated to Switzerland. I wonder how he would answer these questions.

主犯之一 : 張虹的母親肖秀梅 , 對外稱是 蔣經國總統的親戚 , 偽造石油大學的證明 ,( 請看附件 ), 她是不是石油大學的 教授 ? 還是 幫廚 ? 偽造名人字畫 . 請西安石油大學教職員工出麵指證。

Xiao Xiumei: Zhang Hong’s mother, another principal offender. She falsely claims herself a relative of Jiang Jingguo (former president of Taiwan), and a professor of Xi’an Petroleum University (as a matter of fact, she was just a kitchen help). Besides, she forged the certificates of Xi’an Petroleum University (see attachments) and famous paintings. The staff of Xi’an Petroleum University is kindly requested to make clear these facts.

從犯張虹的妹妹張月 , 替主犯偽造各種證明材料 , 張虹的病假證明 , 來到瑞士繼續騙取國內的有關單位的工資 . 張月在深圳以 婚托 為職業 , 騙取港台人員和國外華人的錢財 . 可以在深圳婚介所裏看到其照片和假材料 .( 附照片 ), 也請曾被騙者上網指證 .

Zhang Yue: Zhang Hong’s sister, an accessory offender. She helped falsify various testimonials and sick leave certificate for Zhang Hong so that Zhang Hong continued to enjoy wages from her previous employment after she came to Swiss. Zhang Yue was a gold digger in Shenzhen (a modern metropolis in China), cheating the Chinese from Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas of their money. Her photos and false papers could be found in matchmaking agencies in Shenzhen. Anyone cheated by her is kindly requested to prove her misdeeds online.

特別聲明 :

Special declaration:

受害人所在媒體發表的文章 , 完全是真人真事 , 和詐騙人的真實姓名 , 受害人清楚 , 凡是進行人身攻擊誣蔑 , 任何不實之詞 , 會受到法律製裁 , 凡對壞人壞事和社會犯罪行為進行揭發抗爭 , 應受到社會正義力量的支持和援助 , 特別是媒體的支持 . 同樣 , 詐騙犯張虹可以在法院起訴 , 讓刑事警察進行調查 , 將犯罪分子繩之以法 !

What the victim exposed in the media is a true story. Any personal abuse, venomous slander and unfounded charges should be subject to lawful punishment. Any disclosure of and struggle against evil doers and evil deeds should have the support of social justice, particularly media. Also, the swindler, Zhang Hong, might access to court to bring criminals to justice!

張虹已在 2006 年 10 月從伯爾尼移居瑞士阿窂 (Aarau) 阿爾高州( Aargao )有關詳細信息文章 , 會在國內外媒體發表 . 包括用網絡博客報紙等形式 . 發表人將承擔一切責任 .

Zhang Hong migrated from Bern to Aarau, Aargao, Swiss in October 2006. Related information and articles will be released through domestic and foreign media, including newspaper, blog, etc. The releaser will take all responsibility therfor.

如果那位智者 , 不管用什麽形式 , 能幫受害人戰勝這幫犯罪分子 , 本人將以重酬相謝 !

If any wise man/woman could help the victim beat this gang of criminals, handsome reward will be offered!

受害人 YXS 2008.6.


(the victim)

July, 2008



YXS, 男。 1986 年,因為工作關係來到瑞士居住至今。本人喜愛養花 , 每年花費很多的錢和時間買花養花,連續 14 年獲伯爾尼之花獎(德文: Bern in Blumen-Preis ),且是唯一的一名中國人。多年的養花的愛好 , 讓我對待人也像對花一樣的友善。由於和前妻離婚多年,我一直孤獨一人生活在瑞士 , 深感寂寞,想再找個伴侶共同生活。 1998 年,在國內的一個朋友的幫助下 , 在中國婚介所裏找到一位西安市未婚教師。通過越洋電話,我了解到這個叫張虹的女人是西安的一名大學老師,而且一直未婚,同時我也感到她對我非常熱情。我自小就對老師有一種敬意,此刻更想與一位教師建立一個家庭。對於張虹的條件和介紹我非常滿意,便在 2001 年 5 月 1 日就辦理了張虹來瑞士的各項結婚手續,張虹終於來到了瑞士並與我結了婚。


當我對未來的婚姻抱著美好憧憬,準備和張虹在瑞士幸福的生活的時候,辦完結婚手續後,張虹突然對我說,她在國內有個 14 歲的兒子名叫張傑良,希望我能將她的兒子接來瑞士。我聽到這個消息驚呆了,當初張虹不是自稱自己是單身未婚嗎,怎麽又冒出個這麽大的兒子出來? 張虹一把鼻涕一把淚的哭著解釋說,在很多年前,曾經被壞人強暴後生下這個孩子,孩子很可憐,無辜,沒有父愛 , 她一直辛苦的拉扯孩子長大。心的善良和渴望幸福生活的我被她的話感動了,不但沒有計較張虹曾經隱瞞他事實真相的謊言 , 並同情她的遭遇 , 接受了他的這個兒子,並幫他的兒子張傑良 ( 真實姓名:翟羽佳 ) 於 2001 年 8 月 13 日來到瑞士。


在一起共同生活期間,張虹頻繁的要求我幫她的父母和她的妹妹張月移民瑞士。張虹希望她妹妹張月也能像她一樣嫁到瑞士。我說非常困難。張虹像變了一個人,天天喋喋不休的督促我給她的妹妹在瑞士找個老公。在瑞士,華人比較少,給她妹妹找老公的事情當然也就非常困難,張虹竟然像潑婦一樣多次逼我去問一個在瑞士聯邦廣場行乞的老人有沒有太太 , 如果沒有 , 讓她妹妹與其結婚 , 隻要是瑞士人就可以。為此開始的爭吵就沒完沒了 . 她有時甚至夜不歸宿。 我每天下班回來 , 等待我的是張虹的無理取鬧和刁難,說什麽別的女人嫁到瑞士 , 都得到汽車和房子,我卻沒有。天天沒完沒了的嘮叨 . 讓我開始對張虹和我結婚的目的產生懷疑 ---- 她不是想和我結婚過日子,而隻是為了移民瑞士,騙取瑞士公民身份。 .


在一起共同生活期間,我漸漸發現,這個自稱是大學老師的張虹,就連初中數理化都不懂,如果用初中文化課,對她進行測試,就能讓她原形曝露。她的文化知識就是隻識基本漢字的小學文化水平,她的行為舉止就更讓人對這個 “ 大學老師 ” 產生懷疑,根本就是一個低素質的女人。張虹的騙局如下:

1. 關於她自己:

l 假身份:她的身份證號碼為 610113620508170 ,(在中國,身份證的七、八、九、十、十一、十二位數就是這個人的出生年月日)就是說,她的出生年月應為 1962 年 5 月 8 日。而她護照上的出生年月為 1963 年 5 月 8 日。住址:中國陝西省西安市雁塔區青鬆路 2 號樓 407 室(護照號: 144856415 ,)根據她在 西安 檔案館的結婚原始檔案記錄和及西安出入境管理處了解,她的護照和身份證內容全屬偽造。(中國戶籍警如果將張虹的護照號碼用輸入電腦,馬上就知道張虹偽造護照的違法行為。

l 假婚姻狀況:張虹是有丈夫的。他在中國的丈夫名叫翟道軍 [i] , 1954 年 12 月 27 日出生,祖籍河南人, 現 在陝西師大圖書館工作。二人於 1981 年 1 月 20 日注冊登記結婚。婚禮舉行地點:陝西師大教單 2 樓 3 層,並在西安五一飯店宴請賓客。證婚人:趙英傑。 [ii]

l 在中國, 20 年前,一個家庭,隻能生一個孩子,在城市,工作人員,怎麽會容許有私生子,這是眾所周知的事情。張虹的兒子張傑良(翟羽佳)就是她結婚的最直接的證據 。

2. 關於她的兒子張傑良 ( 真實姓名:翟羽佳 )

張傑良 ( 翟羽佳 ) 來瑞士後,在教育局報名時 , 張傑良說自己在國內已經高中畢業(所以應該是 17 歲) , 但他的護照顯示為他生於 1987 年 7 月 13 日,所以當時隻有 14 歲。張傑良說他從小很聰明 , 連跳幾級。這使得我對張虹及她兒子的身份產生了懷疑。從張虹的口中得知他的兒子張傑良曾經在國內陝西師大附小上過學。我就把張傑良的照片和情況通過網絡電子郵件,寄給了我曾在中國陝西師大工作的一位老朋友牛老師,希望了解關於這個孩子的一些真實情況。

l 人證:

1. 當老師的同事 ---- 陝西師大圖書館工作人員女士看到張虹兒子張傑良照片後肯定的說,這個照片上的孩子是她兒子的同班同學 , 叫翟羽佳 , 小名叫佳佳 , 是 1984 年出生 , 不是 87 年出生。 翟羽佳曾在陝西省師範大學幼兒園,陝西師大附小,陝西師大附中上學。(這就證明張虹找人更改和偽造了他兒子的年齡)

2. 陝西師大幼兒園園長王五咎先生 , 看到張傑良的照片說: “ 這不是翟羽佳嘛 , 因為外號叫大頭,所以記得很清楚 ” 。

3. 1991 年至 1996 年任張傑良(翟羽佳)的語文老師及班主任 ---- 陝西師大附小翁銀濤老師(女),數學董俊老師(女)看到照片後也說這個學生是翟羽佳,而且據董俊老師說她也曾聽說翟羽佳同學去了瑞士。但是學校所有老師和同學 , 沒有人知道翟羽佳改了名字叫張傑良 .1996 年至 1999 年翟羽佳 在陝西師範大學附屬中學一直上學 . 張傑良是 1984 年出生的,改為 87 年出生。現在張傑良(翟羽佳)的實際年齡應該是 21 歲了。

不難看出,張傑良(翟羽佳)的護照和身份證的原始資料全部 是偽造的

通過各方的調查,我得知這個張虹以結婚為手段,將她自己和她的兒子移民瑞士。但當她的騙局被我發現後 , 為避免她的已婚事實和偽造證件被暴露,她同意和我無條件離婚並馬上和張傑良(翟羽佳)回中國。為了她的孩子張傑良(翟羽佳)的前途 , 我同意了。 2003 年 11 月 23 日 , 兩個人突然離家出走 , 人去樓空。 2003 年 12 月,這個女人又一紙訴狀 , 偽造證據 , 用眼淚騙取別人的同情心 , 反而誣告我對她們有暴力行為 , 而且還和別的女人有婚外情,不讓她工作 , 不讓她學德文 .( 實際上一年內 , 我三次讓她到德文學校學習德文,以學校收據為證。 ) 為了揭露他們的真實身份,在法庭審理此案的過程中,我將張虹和張傑良真實情況(已婚檔案,年齡姓名,學曆檔案,)的公證證明等證據,提交給法庭,揭露他們欺騙的罪行,當時 我請求法庭能讓要張虹出示她兒子張傑良(翟羽佳)在中國什麽地方上學,在哪個學校上學的證明和請求調查她們的真實身份。因為如果他的兒子不是天外來客,他應該有在中國上學的地方和學校的證明。可以出具證明,把我的證明否定掉,但是他拿不出來,而且應該有相應的學校畢業證書,可是她們不敢出示,但是,我的正當要求,遭到拒絕,令人不解。

2004 年 2 月 , 張虹回中國 , 到西安市雁塔區檔案館 , 去查詢當年她登記結婚的檔案 , 企圖通過熟人關係銷毀自己的已婚檔案 , 因未成功,害怕瑞士警方來中國調查,所以立即發傳真給瑞士法官撤銷對我的起訴。返回瑞士後,她用自己的看家本領 , 將法官拉下水 , 法官執法犯法 , 違法審理已經辦理撤訴手續的案件 , 並且不做任何調查張虹的真實身份, 且倒打一耙,誣陷說我以殺害她們全家威脅她,強迫她撤訴,不可思議的是,這樣的謊言,法官完全認可 真是天大的謊言和笑話 ! 堂堂的法庭 , 成為張虹等人的犯法場地 . 就這樣,他們得到了瑞士的保護和在瑞士繼續停留的權利,這讓我本來就對這段欺騙婚姻感到痛苦的時候,又一次受到打擊 .

我對張虹這種企圖 “ 害人滅口 ” 的無賴做法非常氣憤。 同時,我也對她的欺騙手段感到驚訝。 在 中國 國內,她通過肮髒的非法手段,讓有關人員冒險,替她偽造她和她兒子的證件,甚至更改姓名年齡。在瑞士,難道她就不會故伎重演嗎?。 我要揭露了她的謊言和罪行,已向在瑞士警察局和法院提交了張虹和張傑良的真實身份 和年齡,及婚姻公證等證明材料。


瑞士警察局進行調查張虹 及她兒子的所有 公證材料,特別是護照的真偽



YXS 於瑞士伯爾尼

* 補充 :

1 .張虹在 1995 前後 , 偽造了個人簡曆和學曆 . 和張傑良 ( 翟羽佳 ) 的年齡和名字 , 去了珠海 , 曾在珠海市成人中專學校(前山港 2 路)工作 . 在珠海短短不到兩年的時間內 , 用假身份證和不正當手段弄到一套價值三四十萬元人民幣的房子。

房址:珠海香洲光明街國華中心南棟 408 室。房產證號碼 :1895035

2, 張虹的父 親 張一峰,母親肖秀梅,

住址:西安石油學院(北院) 15 號樓, 3 單元 307 室住。

[1] 翟道軍住址:陝西師西安市雁塔區長安路 1 號 26 號樓 2 單元 9 號

[1] 趙英傑:陝西師範大學退休教師,住址:陝西師範大學家屬區長安路 1 號 44 號樓 4 單元 3 號。

張虹 翟羽佳 ( 張傑良 ) 張月

Zhang Hong Zhai Yujia(Zhang Jieliang) Zang Yue


Hong Zhang, an international super marriage swindler


Yuejia Zhai, an international swindler


Yue Zhang, an international swindler by setting a marriage trap for the men who look for a partner in marriage.

超級國際婚姻詐騙犯張虹 : 特征 : 進行一次犯罪活動 , 遷移一個地方 : 在西安偽造各種證件 , 流竄到珠海 , 在珠海詐騙房產 , 又欺騙到瑞士伯爾尼 (Bern), 在伯爾尼用各種肮髒不正當的手段 . 勾結社會上的敗類和不法分子 , 進行犯罪活動 , 當伯爾尼警方剛開始調查 , 又馬上遷移到瑞士阿牢 (Aarau). 成功的躲開 Bern 警方調查 . 現在 , 你還往哪裏跑 !?

Hong Zhang, an international super marriage swindler, has such a characteristic of crime that she always moved to another place after she committed a crime in a place. For example, after forging various certificates in Xi’an, Hong Zhang fled to Zhuhai, where she got a house by defrauding. After that, she immigrated to Switzerland through a mock marriage. She then carried out criminal activities by illegal means and filthy tricks in collusion with local lawless crowd in Bern. When Bern’s police began to make an investigation, she evaded the investigation successfully by quickly relocating to Aarau. Now, where do you flee?!

張虹你能將所有的男人拉上床嗎 ? 你能將所有的女人拉下水嗎 ? 既就這樣 , 難道你能改變你在西安珠海瑞士所犯下罪行的鐵的事實嗎 ?

Hong Zhang! Could you drag all men onto your bed? And could you drag all women into the mire? Even so, could you cover or change your criminal facts that you did in Xi’an, Zhuhai and Switzerland?

你有本事讓法官用法律文件的形式 , 用我的真誠善良血汗名譽替你洗刷罪行 , 我讓世界上有正義感的人們 , 來聲討你們褻瀆神聖法律的犯罪行為 !

You did have your criminal facts purged in legal form with my kindness and honesty and sweat and blood. I now let all right-minded people of the world put the blame on you for violation of sacred law!



Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. 瑞士法官以通過法文件的形式,為犯罪人洗刷罪行。

2. 犯罪人所犯的罪行,不但有書麵證明,更有成千上萬人可以為證。

1. Swiss court is employing the law to purify the criminals of their misdeeds.

2. The guilts of the criminals can be certified by both documentary evidence and thousands of witnesses.


Hong Zhang and Jieliang Zhang committed the offences of forging passport, falsifying age, counterfeiting educational background, bigamy, and other crimes of fraud. But Swiss court confirmed the legality of the forged certificates without investigation, and didn’t recognize my notarized impeachment evidences, thus purifying the criminals of their misdeeds legally, confusing the sheep and the goats.

證人太多:張虹在西安石油學院,陝西師大,生活工作幾十年,張傑良(翟羽佳)從陝西師大幼兒園,小學,中學十幾年,無論是同學,鄰居,同事,何止上千人,知道他們的真實情況:年齡,姓名和張傑良是否是其母被強奸後的私生子。在中國,一個家庭,隻準生一個孩子,而且還得有出生指標,這是國際常識,張傑良本人,就是張虹結婚 後婚生子,最直接的 人證。這一點,張虹他們可以通過非法手段,與犯罪團夥,收買少數人,但是,千千萬萬的普通好人,是他們的見證人。何況,有檔案證明。這是不是法官不願調查的原因?當然犯罪團夥不容許調查的。再說,如果 媒體介入調查 ,能瞞的住嗎?張虹在石油學院僅僅是個低級打雜人員,偽造證件,搖身一變,到外地成為大學老師。

There are a lot of witnesses knowing that Hong Zhang had ever worked in Xi’an Petroleum University and lived in the living quarter of Shaanxi Normal University for dozens of years, and Jieliang Zhang (originally named Yuejia Zhai) had ever studied in the kindergarten, elementary school and high school affiliated to the Shaanxi Normal University for more than ten years. At least thousands of presons, including classmates, neighbors and colleagues, know their truths, such as name, age, and whether Jieliang Zhang was illegimately born after her mother was raped. It is internationally known that “one family & one child“ is an obligatory policy of China. Jieliang Zhang is just the most direct witness that he is Hong Zhang’s legitimate son. In this regard, Hong Zhang could collude with criminal gang to buy a few persons off . But how can they bribe thousands of witnesses? Let alone, documentary evidences. Is this why the judges don’t make an investigation? Of course, the criminal gang doesn’t allow them to do such investigation. However, when media intervene, can the fact be hidden any longer? Hong Zhang is only a utility staff when she worked in Xi’an Petroleum University. But she suddenly changed herself into an university teacher by forging certificates when she relocated to another city.

在法院的判決書裏,有重要的一條判決:不許再檢舉揭發張虹和張傑良的犯罪事實,還得向犯罪人賠禮道歉,否則,罰款 1000 瑞士法郎。

我為什麽要在判決書上簽字 :因為法官 R 先生明確表態,法院永遠不會做調查,張虹是真的,我是假的。而且,必須向犯罪嫌疑人賠禮道歉,如不簽字,不予結案。張虹會長期受到法官的包庇,警方也就不能介入調查。在這種情況下,我為了盡快能請警方對犯罪分子進行調查,擺脫犯罪分子的長期糾纏,和法官對犯罪分子的長期庇護,就必須簽字,如同犯罪分子或者恐怖分子用槍口對著你的腦袋,你又不能報警,而且要讓我每月支付我無法承受的撫養費!(我的工資每月 3800Fr( 瑞朗 ) 左右,兩份贍養費法院判決每月付 1440Fr.( 瑞朗 ) 房租 970Fr (瑞朗),醫療保險 340Fr ,加上沉重的稅費,使我每月因付不起各種費用而負債累累。請問,如果是您,您會做什麽選擇如果我不簽字,會是什麽結果

There is such a sentence in the court's written judgment (urteil) that I’m not allowed to accuse Hong Zhang and Jieliang Hong and expose their criminal facts anymore, and must make amends to the offenders. Otherwise, I will be subject to a fine of 1000 Swiss francs. You may ask me why I signed the judgement? Because Judge Mr. R.said that the court would never make any investigation for this case. What Hong Zhang said was true, and what I said was false. I must make amends to her. If I hadn’t signed, the case would have been never closed. Under the judges’s shelter, police couildn’t intervene. In order that police can make an investigatoion of the case as early as possible so that I can get free of the criminals’ entanglement, I had to sign the judgement. It is as if a criminal or terrorist is pointing a gun at your head, while you cannot call the police. Furthermore, I was required to pay sustenance allowance unaffordable for me every month! My monthly salary is about 3800 Fr. Two sustenance allowances are 1440 Fr. Plus house rent 970 Fr, medicare 340 Fr and heavy tax, how can I bear such a burden?! I’ve been immersed in debts for paying these bills. I wonder if you were me, how would you make the choice? If I hadn’t sign, what result might be expected?


Everyone knows a common word of criminals and Mafia that if you dare to call the police, we’ll kill you and hostages. What is the difference between the Swiss court’s such judgement and a terrorist’s conduct? They ’legalize’ their terrorism by abusing power! And almost make me suffer fatal injury. The court not only purified the criminals of their misdeeds legally, but attempted to conceal the criminal facts forever! One hand, they don’t investigate the criminals’ responsibility for false charge against me. On the other hand, they require me to make amends to the offenders, and don’t allow me to expose the offenders’ crinimal facts. The court shouldn’t be under the run of the criminal Hong Zhang and Mafia!

為什麽在犯罪分子不能銷毀她的結婚檔案時,在已經辦過撤訴手續後,法官 R.Hofer 先生,公開違法強行審理?

Why Judge Mr. R. Hofer still tried the case in disregard of law after the criminal have revolved the action because she couldn’t destroy her marriage file?

任何一個人不能容忍用你的清白去洗刷犯罪分子的罪行,使你自己成為一個壞人,而且是通過的判決書的形式,白紙黑字,黑白顛倒。你一定會不惜一切代價,甚至生命,捍衛你的名譽和尊嚴!法官不但用好人的血汗替犯罪分子洗刷罪行,還要為犯罪分子買保票,(參看法院的判決書)這已經夠黑了,法官還要受害人給犯罪分子賠禮道歉!犯罪分子居然到如此囂張,到了觸目驚心的程度!請問:法官犧牲我的人格,尊嚴和名譽和血汗來洗刷犯罪分子的罪行,你能忍受嗎?您認為這可以嗎?難道因為我是一個外國人,法官就可以不顧法律和良心嗎 ?

Any people cannot endure his/her innocence being spoiled, espicaly by a white-and-black jusgement which, however, calls white black. To this end, you will surely defend your reputation and dignity at all costs, even life. The judges not only purge the criminals with the sweat and toil of an innocent person, but buy insurance for the criminals (refer to the court’s written judgemgent). Moreover, the judges require the victim to make amends to the offenders! How rampant the criminals are! No people can endure such humiliation from a court! Why the judges do so in disgard of law and conscience? Is it because I’m a foreigner?


如果您是一個善良的人,您會怎麽想 ?

如果您是一個正義感的人,您能熟視無睹嗎 ?




If you were me, how would you do?

If you are a kind person, how do you think?

If you are a right-minded person, can you close youur eyes to this matter?

If you are a powerful person, can you back down your fists?

If you are a Christian, will God agree?

A person’s reputation is higher his life!


As a conscientious person and a victim, current situation is intolerable for me. I’m willing to pay any price even though insighters might be hurt.

如果不進行調查,後果是嚴重的, 給瑞士國家 ,給個人,社會,其他人的仿效,對目前和今後,會造成 災難性的後果,瑞士成了犯罪分子的天堂 。

Nonperformance of investigation will lead to serious consequence. Other persons may imitate their conducts, leading to great adverse inflence on the nation, society and individuals, and making Switzerland become a paradise of criminals.

既就是不調查,不用請福爾摩斯 ( Sherlock Holmes ) 出麵,用張虹和張傑良的自己的 一切現有 證明材料,完全可以反證他們自己就是犯罪分子,比如,張傑良的出生證明,同時讓他們出示個人的中國身份證,小學,中學畢業證,是不是一個人,就一目了然。還有她的房產登記表。

As a matter of fact, Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang’s own existing testimony materials can fully testify their criminal acts in reverse even though no investigation is performed, and Sherlock Holmes wouldn’t step in. For example, by comparing Zhang Jieliang’s birth certificate with his Chinese identity card and diplomas of primary and middle schools, whether the holders of the certificates are the same person can be easily ascertained. There are also Hong Zhang’s Chinese identity card and house property registration.

還有張虹自己製作了一個 “ 中國共產黨統戰部”的公章,製作一份假證明,未經任何公證,而法院卻以正式證明材料,為張虹開脫罪行。正是這個假證明,反而證明張虹的犯罪事實,暴露了他們的馬腳,也說明了法官和張虹的關係。(她自己翻譯為石油大學證明) ,

Besides, Hong Zhang parepared a false evidence by forging a seal of the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee. But the court used it as an official evidentiary material without any investigation. It is the false evidence that can fully disprove Hong Zhang’s evidence, betray herself, and reveal the relation between her and the judge. (She translated the false evidence into an paper issured by Xi’an Petroleum University )


It isn’t difficult at all to make a correct judgement as long as the judge has juridical consciousness, and conducts a simple analysis. I’m sure the judge should have made good judgments based on his age and experience. Why he make such a ridiculous decision is also a riddle for which I request police to initiate an investigation.


I strongly request police to make an investigation of this case because I’ve been believing police is bound to capture any offenders whether they are men or women, or supported by gangdom. Upright police officers always seek truth from facts, and uphold justice!


I’m sure police will not accept any bribe from the criminal suspects, much less their lordliness.


Thank you all for any help !




Enclosed are the court's written judgment (urteil) and relevant dicuments and evidences.


尊敬的女士先生 :

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
我請求您的幫助和支持 .

I request your help and support!
張虹和張傑良 ( 真實名字翟羽佳 ) 對瑞士社會的巨大危害

Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang (his real name is Zhai Yujia) pose great dangers to Swiss society!
張虹和張傑良為了達到個人的犯罪目的 , 利用各種不正當的手段 , 行賄 , 偽造名人字畫 , 性賄賂 , 將正常的社會秩序 , 予以敗壞 . 就像一個腫瘤癌細胞 , 腐蝕著健康的社會肌體 , 讓法官貪贓枉法執法犯法 . 讓政府官員走向腐敗犯罪的道路 , 特別像瑞士這樣的國家 , 瑞士人的誠實善良 , 正是他們施展騙術的最佳環境 . 對於生活在和平誠信環境的瑞士人來說 , 事實證明 , 不管是普通人或者是政府官員 , 在他們眼裏 , 都像傻瓜 , 隨意玩弄欺騙 , 任何官員 , 在他們麵前 , 不管是在瑞士 , 還是中國 , 都難以幸免被她欺騙 , 利用 , 甚至收買 .

Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang achieved their criminal purpose by bribery, forgery, sex bribe and other disreputable methods, and damaged public order just like a cancer cell encroaching on a healthy body. They made the court take bribes and violate the law while in charge of its enforcement, and led the government officials onto the road to corruption. They are crafty devils, and easily fool people who trust others and never be deceived, particularly Swiss people who are kind and honest and live peaceful and harmonic lives. It is particularly the countries like Switzerland with kind and honest people, and peaceful and harmonic life that provide the most suitable environment for the implementation of their deception. Evidently, anyone wasn’t lucky enough to escape from their fooling and cheat no matter who is an average person or a government official, a Swiss or Chinese as long as he was targeted.

比如 , 她來瑞士不久 , 通過當地不法華人 , 達到她想達到的一切目的 , 欺騙或買通政府官員 , 將法院法官 , 拉下水 , 不顧冒執法犯法的風險 . 而且 , 以法律判決書的形式為其洗刷罪行 , 並且 , 為她買保險 , 還以法律判決書的形式 , 不準受害知情人報警 , 否則 , 要進行懲罰受害人 . 企圖殺人滅口 .( 請看法院的判決書 )

For example, Zhang Hong gained her ends with the assists of local unlawful Chinese and by deceiving or greasing the hands of government officials soon after she came to Switzerland. The judge was dragged into the mire by her not only legally purified her misdeeds with a judgment, but bought insurance for her, regardless of his violation against the law. The judgment didn’t allow me or others in the know to call the police, or else be punished. Dead men tell no tales! (refer to the judgment)
比如 , 當犯罪人張虹和張傑良 , 在中國所犯的罪行 , 被我發現後 , 立即返回中國 , 企圖銷毀她的已婚檔案 , 由於原來與她共同作案的政府官員 , 大部分已經逮捕法辦 , 特別是與震驚國際犯罪大案加拿大賴昌新案主犯 , 是陝西省公安廳的一位高官 , 正是為張虹偽造證件的當事人 ,( 這是張虹自己不小心透露的 ) 被判處 10 年以上的刑罰 . 也正因如此 , 所以她銷毀檔案的目的才沒有達到 .

When Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang’s guilt they committed in China was discovered by me, they got back China immediately with an attempt to destroy her marriage files. However, a majority of government officials engaged in the criminal act with her had already been brought to justice. Particularly, a high official of the Public Security Department of Shaanxi Province who provided false papers to Zhang Hong was sentenced to ten years imprisonment as one of the major offenders in worldwide known Canadian Lai Changxing case. As a result, her desire didn't come true.

由於害怕有關部門進行調查 , 所以多次給我電話聯係 , 要求與我 “ 和平 ” 解決,不 “ 驚動 ” 官方,所以張虹才向瑞士法院辦理了合法的撤訴手續 . 奇怪的是,當張虹回到瑞士, Bern 法院法官 Hofer ,不但繼續強行非法審理,而且,完全按張虹的想法,進行不可思議的審理和判決,好像法院是他們兩私人開辦的(請看審理過程和判決書)

For fear of investigation by the concerned authorities, Zhang Hong called me several times to seek “peaceful” settlement in order not to alert the authorities. So she withdrew the appeal from the Swiss court. Paradoxically, after she came back Switzerland, the judge R. Hofer of Bern Court still processed the case illegally, and heard and decided the case fully to Zhang Hong’s request as if the court was operated by themselves. (refer to hearing process and judgment)
張虹,一個小學文化水平的女人(請她 出示她的學曆證書 ,連個初中化學符號都不懂),謊稱自己是大學老師,不但在中國成功招搖撞騙,而且,將一個年齡很大的資深瑞士法院法官,成功的拉下水,不但和她共同作案,而且,敢冒執法犯法的風險,不但不怕執法犯法,而且替犯罪分子以法律的形式,為張虹和張傑良洗刷犯罪罪行。不但洗刷罪行,還為犯罪人買長期保險,不但保護犯罪人,更不可容忍的是,用受害人知情人好人的血和清白,來洗刷壞人的罪行。不但要受害人向犯罪人賠禮道歉,而且,不準報警,否則懲罰!法院和法律,是不是成了張虹張傑良和法官 Hofer 的犯法場所和工具,成為他們殺人的工具。可見,這個女人有多麽的利害和凶惡,有多麽大的破壞社會正常法製的能力!

Zhang Hong boasts herself a university teacher (she doesn’t have any degree of certification). As a matter of fact, she is a real liar with only primary school background. She even doesn’t know what a chemical symbol means. However, she not only cheated and bluffed successfully in China, but dragged a senior Swiss judge into the mire. The judge employed the laws and the power in his hand to purge Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang of their crimes without regard to violation against the law while in charge of its enforcement, and bought them a life insurance. What is more intolerable is that all these were done at the cost of sweat and toil of an innocent victim. The victim was required to make amends to the criminals, and not call the police, or else be punished. Did the court and law become Zhang Hong, Zhang Jieliang and Hofer ’s private location and tool? What an evil women! How harmful a destructive force to society and legal system she has !
張虹利用各種手段 , 讓法官利用自己手中的公職權力 , 用法律形式洗刷自己的犯罪事實 , 他們之間有什麽交易,這是檢查機關的權力和職責 , 我無權過問,但是,他們用我的血汗和清白名譽,替犯罪分子洗刷罪行,我絕對不答應!如果是您,您答應嗎?

I don’t have the right to inquire what transactions there were between Zhang Hong and the judge Hofer that drove the judge to use the power in his hand to purify Zhang Hong’s misdeeds instead of inspecting the truth. But he did it at the cost of my sweat and toil and reputation. This is what I can never tolerate! If you were me, would you say OK?
法官 Hofer , 可以利用自己公職權力,替任何人利用法律形式,洗刷犯罪事實,我無權過問。但是,他利用我的血汗和清白名譽替犯罪分子張虹和張傑良洗刷犯罪事實,我不但要過問,而且會不惜一切代價,討回公道,還我清白,還我的

錢財和養老金。並強烈要求瑞士政府和警方對案件進行調查 , 並懲罰犯罪分子張虹和張傑良 ( 真實姓名翟羽佳 ).

Certainly No! Not only I must inquire the wrong judgment made by Hofer , but recover justice and get my innocence back at any cost, to take back my pension and money. I hereby urge the Swiss Government and Police to investigate the case, and punish the criminals, Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang (his real name is Zhai Yujia).
三權分立( Gewaltenteilung )能否容許犯罪分子收買法官 , 利用法律的手段,替自己洗刷罪行?

Does “Gewaltenteilung” allow the criminals’ illegal conducts mentioned above?
我為了能盡快擺脫犯罪分子的長期恐怖折磨,盡快讓警方介入,調查他們的犯罪事實,被迫在判決書上簽字。難道我的簽字,就完全改變了犯罪分子的犯罪事實 , 就永遠讓犯罪分子逍遙法外?當你是恐怖分子的人質時,請問你有什麽選擇?

In order to get rid of the criminals’ torture as early as possible and that the police could intervene the case, I was forced to sign the judgment. Did my signature change their criminal facts, and have the criminals at large forever ? When you were a hostage held by terrorists, I wonder how you would choose.

奇怪的是,法官的任何一個判決,與當初起訴人張虹的所有誣告,毫無關係,這又說明了什麽?起訴什麽審理什麽,是不是法律常識?在法庭審理的過程中 , 完全審理與本案無關的事情 , 在法庭上 , 我要求發言 , 當庭遭到法官拒絕 , 不許我發言 .
Surprisingly enough, final judgments have nothing to do with Zhang Hong’s false charges brought against me. It is a general legal knowledge that hearing and decision must be done directly to an appeal. But the trials in the court were completely unrelated with the appeal. When I wanted to address the court, I was refused.
如果騙子不受懲罰 , 反而能買通當地的政府官員成功移民 , 這不但是對用非法犯罪手段進行移民的支持 , 對世界各國提供了樣板 , 隻要采取欺騙的方法 , 就可以成功移民歐美各國 , 還能洗刷罪行 , 得到經濟利益 , 受到當地法律保護 . 鼓勵黑社會與當地法官和政府官員勾結 , 共同犯罪牟利 .

If the cheats weren’t punished, and achieved the purpose of immigration by fixing local government officials instead, this would provide a support and template for illegal immigration. In this way, those may not only immigrate into Europe and America, but have their guilt purified, and with both economic benefit and legal protection available. Also, this would encourage the collusion of gangsters with judges and government officials for the purposes of seeking their respective interests.

對於張虹和張傑良這樣的社會毒瘤,不徹底從瑞士鏟除,對社會造成的危害,絕不亞於公開的恐怖分子的對社會的嚴重敗壞。他們讓正直善良的人,不知不覺的走向犯罪的道路,她讓法官貪贓枉法 , 政府官員腐敗犯罪 . 讓社會變得腐敗黑暗 , 讓社會患上難以治愈的癌症 , ,失去了正義和公正。

If the malignant tumors like Zhang Hong and Zhang Jieliang aren’t removed, their hazard to the society is not less than terrorists. They could let upright and nice people slide into crimes, let judges take bribes and bend the law, let government officials corrupt, and let the society suffer from incurable cancer and lose fairness and justice.
現在對張虹的任何決定 , 形同虛設 , 她可以通過黑社會和收買拉攏腐蝕 , 性賄賂等等手段 , 改變現在的任何決定 . 以前的事實證明 , 這是她慣用的伎倆 .

Existing decisions on Zhang Hong are nothing but an empty shell. She can change them by the means of collusion with gangsters, buying off and sex bribing officials, and other tactics frequently used previously.
不將犯罪分子繩之以法 ,( 按 2006 年 12 月 28 伯爾尼警察局的決定辦 ) 不管付出任何代價 , 我決不罷休 !

I swear not to stop inquiry despite any cost until the criminals are brought to justice by executing the decisions dated December 28th, 2006.
非常感謝 !

Many thanks


Committing crimes – Swindling – Immigrating to Switzerland – Silencing the witness of crime by cutting his throat!