Marathon Day Summary
文章來源: 廣陵曉陽2013-01-20 15:42:12


Marathon Day Summary

Min and I were waked up by the alarm at 4:50AM. Before I got out of the bed, the first thing that I did was to listen tentatively about what was happening outside. The sound of gentle rain mixed with wuthering wind made me sigh.  Even though the weather was unfriendly to runners on this race day, however, I determined to make the best out of it and to run with joy and fun.

(1) Just as I did before all Saturday long runs and other races, I ate my favorite breakfast (a bowl of oatmeal with milk, nuts, and fruits) and drank a bottle of muscle milk (400 ml). Before leaving the house, I grabbed a hat to prevent or reduce the rain pounding on my eyeglasses during running. Yet, in a hurry and due to the excitement, I forgot to wear my eyeglasses. I didn’t realize this terrible mistake until Min and I got to the downtown and walked to the start line. One of my eyes is nearsighted, another is farsighted. Walking awhile without eyeglasses, I felt dizzy and very uncomfortable. What would happen to run 26.2 miles without eyeglasses? It was too late to go home to get the eyeglasses. I started feeling panic and was in tears. Even though he is not enthusiastic about my training and running marathon, my dearest Min comforted me with wise remarks while I was in distress. He told me that “It is raining and windy out there. Even with a hat, the rain would definitely get all over your eyeglasses and still make your vision poor if you wore eyeglasses. It might be better without them because it saves your time of wiping rain. ” Min’s reasoning comforted me and put me in easy.

(2) After departing with Min, I entered the gate of the Marathon A Corral. To combat the cold, rainy, and windy weather, I wore my favorite red water proof jacket and a pair of black water proof pants on outside of my running outfit. Five minutes before the start time, I took off and tossed away the water proof pants. Soon passed the start line, my heart and mind had the melody and lyrics of "Singing in the Rain". I was joyful to have images of Gene Kelly singing and dancing in the rain, splashing through puddles. I started to run playfully by jumping over big puddles and almost forgot that I was running a marathon.

(3) Between the mile 3 and the mile 4, I felt uncomfortable to run with the red rain coat. I took it off, kissed it for goodbye and tossed it away. I felt a little sad then because this rain coat had been with me to several countries, including my favorite trips to Austria, Greece, and New Zealand. It has a big hidden pocket in the front and is very good to hide valuables there during travel. Because of my favorite memories attached with this rain coat, I wore it sentimentally on this rainy race day. It comforted me to think that this rain coat might be useful to whoever picks it up. Around the mile 4, I ate my first chocolate flavor GU and drank two cups of water. I sincerely thanked volunteers at the water station. Between the mile 8 and 9, I took off my arm warmers and tossed them away and used a Port-A-Cans (only once in this race, not like the last race with 3 usages).

(4) Around the mile 11, I heard a church bell rang. The sound echoed in the air for a long time, which reminded me of the movie "The Sound of Music" in which the church bells rang one after another. My mind had images of Maria and the Trapp children singing, dancing, and running through the city of Salzburg and nearby lush landscapes. With those images from the movie and the beautiful memory of my family’s visit there, my heart was filled with joy, my legs were light, and I ran fast.

(5) Time passed so quickly. Without knowing, I reached at the half marathon mark where two of my colleagues had waited patiently in the poor weather for supporting me. I thanked them from the bottom of my heart. During the race, I also interacted with other spectators and expressed my appreciation to them. Without volunteers and spectators, this marathon wouldn’t be possible. As a runner, I appreciate their support dearly. I ate another chocolate flavor GU and drank two cups of water around the mile 13.

(6) Either just passed the half marathon mark or around the 14 miles, I heard the music of "Hallelujah" from Handel's masterpiece "Messiah". I saw a small band performing at inside of a residential garage (to avoid rain). The majestic music and my memory of the "Hallelujah" chorus lyrics gave me tremendous boost spiritually and mentally. Again, my heart was filled with joy, my legs were light, and I ran fast.

(7) By the time to run through the city's famous shopping area Galleria (around the mile 16), the rain had long stopped. However, the wind was still strong. I remembered what I read last couple of days about how to run in windy conditions. Some of the strategies are to run in the middle of a group of people or to run behind someone who is taller than me. I felt shy and uncomfortable to put those strategies into practice. So, I ran alone by myself. The windy weather was reminiscent of the climate of Scottish Highlands and took me back to my family’s wonderful visits there. Thinking of Scotland reminded me of the movie "Chariots of Fire". My mind had the melody of the movie soundtrack and the images of Eric Liddell running in the rugged charming landscapes of Scotland. Once again, my heart was filled with joy, my legs were light, and I doubled my efforts in high wind and ran fast.

(8) From the mile 17 to 18, we ran through the Tanglewood neighborhood where elder President Bush lives. Thinking of his hospitalization at the Methodist Hospital prompted me to say a prayer for him at my heart. I also prayed for other sick people whom I know for their speedy recoveries. In addition, I gave a thankful prayer for my good health.

(9) When I ran through the Memorial Park area between the mile 20 to 22, the trees on both sides of the road reminded me of Strauss’ "The story of the Vienna Woods". The beauty of the music as well as the cherished memory of my family’s visits to Vienna made me very happy. I almost forgot the fatigue of my body and kept running.

(10) The mile 23 to 25 was the hardest to me. It was so boring to run on Allen Parkway. I was physically tired and my mind couldn’t think of any music to encourage myself. I ate the 3rd and the last chocolate flavor GU and drank two cups of water around the mile 24. I was so happy to see Lindsey somewhere in this difficult part of the route. The encouragement from Lindsey as well as other enthusiastic spectators, the expectation of this marathon journey ending soon, and the longing to see Min and to be united with him again prevented me from giving up. Thinking of so many people’s prayers for me and reciting “My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (II Corinthians 12:9) kept me going.

(11) After getting into the downtown, my mind started working again. Only about 1 mile to go, the melody and the lyrics of “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” were in my mind and heart. I started running with joy again. About a quarter of a mile left, two 3:40 pacers passed by me. I was debating with myself whether to keep up with them or to save energy and leave my best for Min to take my photos. I decided to leave my best for Min.

(12) Since passing the front of Hilton and entering the last couple of hundred meters to the finish line, I started slowing down a little and looking for Min to take my photos. I was ready to stop and make poses as I did last year. I looked at spectators on my left side, right side, and front. Unfortunately, Min was nowhere to be found. I started feeling “mad” at him. About 50 meters to the finish line, I dashed with an accelerate speed to the end.

(13) Just passed the finish line, I heard Min calling me in excitement “Darling, I took really good photos of your running to the finish line. Why did you run with your eyes almost closed, looking so sleepy, yet with such fierce force like a crazy person?” Hearing his questions, I couldn’t help but laughing even I was very tired. I told him that “I ran crazily to the finish line because I was very mad at you since I couldn’t find you anywhere then. I ran with eyes half opened and half closed to prevent dizziness because I didn’t wear my eyeglasses.” Hearing what I just said, Min laughed, too.

(14) The most touching moment was that my daughter called and congratulated me soon after I got inside of the GRB Convention Center. Apparently, my son-in-law got up early in California and tracked my running. He was a member of the Rice cycling team and was a member of the Stanford cycling team, too. He understands and appreciates marathon runners much better than my daughter or Min does. It was from their phone call that I knew my net time 3:40:35. Both Min and I love these two young people dearly. I thanked them for their love and support.

After going through the GRB Convention Center, Min and I went to the VIP tent. I was so glad to see Coach Mike and a group of running teammates there. I was very grateful to them for their advice, guidance, encouragement, and support during the training. Thanks also to God for keeping me injury-free.  Whenever I was tired during the training, Isaiah 40:30 ("but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”) always gave me new strength.

Min and I went to home after leaving my running friends.  In the evening, Min originally would like to take me to a dress up restaurant for celebration. Unfortunately, I gained 7 pounds during this marathon training season and couldn’t fit in my favorite light blue dress or black dress. Eventually, we went to a casual dress restaurant “Taste of Texas”.  Min had his favorite beef. I had my favorite nuts and seafood. We had a wonderful time there.

Thank God for sustaining me in this cold, rainy, and windy marathon day. Overall, it was a joyful day.

音樂《Running Free》