文章來源: 丹奇2008-07-31 04:06:11


丹奇 (七月三十日)



客服人員盡力挽留客戶,並問道“你為何要取消這項服務呢?我查了一下記錄,你可以每個月享受一次免費服務的, 但你似乎從來沒有用過我們的免費服務。”



Pest Control Story

I ordered pest control service for our house. They came every month, but the cockroaches never extinguished after couple of months.I was mad and called their customer service to complain and cancel their service.

The customer service tried to keep me as their client. She asked me: “What makes you want to cancel our service? I checked the record, you use our free service once a month, but you it seems you never used it.”

I responded “If the PAID service doesn’t work, what’s the point to use FREE SERVICE?”
