文章來源: 磨坊小劄2007-05-13 11:25:17
Mothers Are The Sweetest母親是最甜美的
Author: Nick Gordon/磨磨翻譯
Our mother is the sweetest and		母親是最甜美
Most delicate of all.			最精致的花朵
She knows more of paradise			她知道天堂的故事
Than angels can recall.			比天使知道的還多

She's not only beautiful			她不僅美麗
But passionately young,			且青春洋溢
Playful as a kid, yet wise			如長者般睿智
As one who has lived long.			如孩童般稚拙

Her love is like the rush of life,		母愛是奔騰不息的生命
A bubbling, laughing spring			是歡躍如春洪般的長河
That runs through all like liquid light	它與時光同流轉
And makes the mountains sing.		它能使山脈唱歌

And makes the meadows turn to flower		它用露珠澆灌花兒
And trees to choicest fruit.		它讓樹木結出累累碩果
She is at once the field and bower		母親是大地與小窩
In which our hearts take root.		在那裏我們的心兒永祥和

She is at once the sea and shore,		母親是大海與堤岸
Our freedom and our past.			我們的掙紮與渴求啊
With her we launch our daring ships		從那裏出發
Yet keep the things that last.		最終於那裏停泊