杏仁小餅 -- 酥脆的周末甜點
文章來源: 倚門回首2012-11-10 06:00:39

杏仁小餅 -- 意大利風味甜點 (女兒霏昨晚的美食作品)

杏仁小餅詳細做法的圖片鏈接(Step by Step Pictures link):http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_500e53690102e8b9.html

全家人都相當喜歡杏仁小餅 (Almond Cookies), 酥脆的甜點,不太甜,也不膩,又容易做。



Ingredients 用料:
1 cup almonds 一杯杏仁
11/2 cups flour 一又二分之一杯麵粉
1/2 cup sugar 二分之一杯糖
1/8 teaspoon salt 八分之一茶匙鹽
1/2 teaspoon baking soda 二分之一茶匙蘇打粉
2 eggs 兩個蛋
1 egg white, lightly beaten 一個蛋清,略微打好

Steps 做法:
Preheat oven to 375F. Spread the almonds in a baking tray and bake until lightly browned, about 14-15 minutes. When cool, grind 1/4 cup of the almonds until pulverized. Coarsely chop the remaining almonds in 2 or 3 pieces each. Set aside.

Combine the flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and ground almonds in a bowl and mix to blend. Add 2 eggs and form a rough dough. Knead in the chopped almonds.

Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. With the hands, roll into logs about 1 inch in diameter. Place them on the greased baking tray. Brush with the egg white. Bake for 20 minutes in 375F

Remove from the oven and lower the heat to 275F. With a very sharp knife, cut at an angle into 1/2-inch slices. Return the slices to the oven and bake for 25 minutes more.


**** 輕舟餐廚 之  西式甜點 ****

秋天的蘋果派                     蘋果派

香噴噴的肉桂圓麵包        花生醬小甜餅

蘋果蔓越莓格子派             香蕉麵包/鬆餅

胡桃派                                   椰絲奶油

故鄉的味道 - 芝麻麵包

秋天的色彩 - 火紅的蔓越莓醬