人肉搜索結果 for【無恥火炬手,標榜藏獨標誌】
文章來源: Crispin2008-04-11 09:23:01

Andrew Michael, 45 San Francisco - Andrew is guided by the principle of “Arre Mana Anbu Payamaria-adu.” which is Tamil for “Love strong and Fearless” as taught by the Franciscan Nuns in Chennai, India. He serves as of Vice President for Sustainable Development for the Bay Area Council and is Director of Partnerships For Change. His groups have been able to build a free school for 1500 kids of the slums directly impacted by the wave tsunami in Eastern India. In addition he has partnered with the nuns of Bon Secour to build a Women’s Empowerment Center to provide vocational training for the lowest caste and clean water for a village 70kilometers from Chennai.

Andrew Michael
  401 AVILA ST
  (415) 922-1851