Here you go, don't mislead our fellow Chinese
文章來源: botong2008-05-08 20:02:22
1 Alabama 阿拉巴馬 ==> [al'ə-bam'ə]
2 recommand 推薦 (I believe it should be "recommend") ==> [rekə'mend]
3 route and router 路線和路由器 ==> [root, rout or raut (verb)]
4 cure 治愈 ==> [kjuə] or [kyoor]
5 nature 和mature 自然和成熟的 ==> [ney-cher] or [neitʃə] and [mə'tjuə]
6 Boulevard 大道 ==> Bou'le'vard
7 Cornell University 康乃爾大學 ==> kor-nel'
8 Romandy 羅曼迪,地名
9 current and currently 目前的 ==> karənt or kə:rənt
10 Resume 開始,簡曆 ==> [rə'zjuːm] or [rez-oo-mey]