關於科學炒股,與longtermInvestor 抬杠 2008-10-17
文章來源: 美西遊子2010-05-11 22:45:52

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來源: 美西遊子  08-10-17 13:53:31 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]

回答: 大方一點嘛,這個表太薄了不好看。  溫嘉戛  2008-10-17 13:31:30

Market makes no scientific sense. Because of different setting, you must understand you are playing totally different roles btw mkt and lab. Hence you need to switch your mind back and forth quickly and accordingly.

See what I mean? I know there are many scientists and engineers in this forum. No 1 thing I would suggest people to do before jump into the market is to change your thinking pattern. and it takes a while to get used to it due to 思維慣性. 

I can tell you this much. Price has little meaning. some can make bucks paying the same price while others lose.

Tell me if I am wrong.
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Market makes no scientific sense. Because of different setting, you must understand you are playing totally different roles btw mkt and lab. Hence you need to switch your mind back and forth quickly and accordingly.

See what I mean? I know there are many scientists and engineers in this forum. No 1 thing I would suggest people to do before jump into the market is to change your thinking pattern. and it takes a while to get used to it due to 思維慣性.

I can tell you this much. Price has little meaning. some can make bucks paying the same price while others lose.

Tell me if I am wrong.



美西遊子, Market does make scientific sense in long term,
來源: longtermInvestor  08-10-17 22:39:58 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]
that is why I say you need to have long term mentality. Either Buffett or his teacher said, market is a voting machine in short term, it is a weighting machine in long term, if it is a good business producing good cash, it will be discovered. Culture revolution does not make sense, and it lasted a decade, but eventually it died.

The theoretical limit for us small investors if that we do not have enough money to buy whole business, if you can buy whole business, you do not need to pay attention to the market price. A lot housing investors here are following this strategy, they only care about positive cash flow, they are not that concerned about if they catch the absolute bottom of housing market.


美西遊子, Market does make scientific sense in long term, that is why I say you need to have long term mentality. Either Buffett or his teacher said, market is a voting machine in short term, it is a weighting machine in long term, if it is a good business producing good cash, it will be discovered. Culture revolution does not make sense, and it lasted a decade, but eventually it died.

The theoretical limit for us small investors if that we do not have enough money to buy whole business, if you can buy whole business, you do not need to pay attention to the market price. A lot housing investors here are following this strategy, they only care about positive cash flow, they are not that concerned about if they catch the absolute bottom of housing market.


Sorry, I don't get the logic. Thanks anyway.


the logic is that price will follow value sooner or later, value is defined as cash generation power. If u buy a stock that has cash generation power, u do not need to worry about price, it will catch up eventually.

