文章來源: LovingKyle2008-03-24 16:15:53
我在美國一所top 20的executive MBA班上課。班上60多學生,隻有我一個中國人。大部分是白人,有不少印度人。還有一個韓國人和一個黑人。

教我們managerial economics的是一個中年白人。說實話,他的課講的非常好。他能把很多枯燥的經濟理論和現在的時事聯係起來,生動的講清楚。他喜歡嘲諷時事,罵各國政府的經濟政策,所以當他有時譴責中國政府時,我開始也不以為意。









我的原話:"I have lived in the US for almost 10 years. I have seen things in China that are not properly reported here by the media in the US, and that might have caused some of the misunderstanding."

"I've never believed in Communism myself, and I think the Chinese Communist Party did a lot of terrible things. But today, whether or not China is still a Communist country is highly debatable. Mostly importantly, I have seen with my own eyes that the average Chinese are living a much better life than they did 10 years ago."

"As managers, we all know how hard it is to manage a team of 10. Just imagine how hard it would be to run a country of 1.3 billion people. It's only inevitable to make a lot of mistakes, sometimes big mistakes."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't listen to everything I said, and don't listen to everything Dr.XX said. (Class laughing) When you go to China next year, see it for yourselves, talk to people, learn about the country, keep an open mind, and understand that just because people do things differently doesn't mean they are dumb or evil."

