文章來源: sunzi8882011-01-28 22:01:58


朗朗在白宮演奏《我的祖國 》

首先鄭重聲明,本人是郎朗的粉絲。他每次來達拉斯演出,我幾乎都去聽他的演奏。他的演奏富於激情,對音樂作品的理解有他自己深刻獨到的見解,演出認真投入,與指揮和樂隊配合默契。時而莊重嚴肅,時而瀟灑飄逸,時而凝重沉寂,時而寧靜,時而華麗色彩繽紛,時而詼諧幽默。我感到他是整個身心真正生活在音樂世界裏。他的每一個細胞就像一個個活躍著的音符。他每次謝幕多大五六次,有時加演 encore 兩三曲。我聽音樂會無數,很少有其他獨奏演員引起聽眾如此熱情。也很少有其他獨奏演員加演 encore




這首音樂的主題非常明顯,在中國大陸家喻戶曉。音樂歌頌的是我的祖國。任何人聽了這樣的旋律,隻會激起他 / 她對自己祖國的思念和向往,給人一種自豪感和激情。難道哪一個發難者沒有自己的祖國嗎?難道美國人沒有自己的祖國嗎?所以這是一首對任何一個有祖國的人來說都適用的鋼琴曲。無論你是德國人,波蘭人或中國人。







I was deeply honored to have been invited to perform at the White House recently. The two pieces I played were, one, Maurice Ravel’s “Ma mere l’Oye” (Mother Goose) for four hands, the other, a Chinese piece called “My Motherland”. I selected this song because it has been a favorite of mine since I was a child. It was selected for no other reason but for the beauty of its melody.

I am, first and foremost, an artist. As such, I play music to bring people together.

America and China are my two homes. I am most grateful to the United States for providing me with such wonderful opportunities, both in my musical studies and for furthering my career. I couldn’t be who I am today without those two countries.

My mission is to bridge cultures together through the beauty and inspiration of music.

Lang Lang


附: 和大家分享在白宮的一天



Asked what he thought of the controversy, Kenneth Lieberthal -- director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution and a former special assistant to President Clinton for national security affairs and senior director for Asia on the National Security Council – said “I have enough confidence to be easily able to accept Lang lang’s assertion that this is simply a favorite melody of his, that is obviously a Chinese melody, and that he used it without any thought that it might have a political resonance for some that simply never occurred to him.”

Lieberthal added that “It did occur to me that had the situation been reversed I can easily imagine many Chinese bloggers weighing in along the same way some of our more conservative media have weighed in, but frankly it’s ridiculous. If a musician had no such intent I don’t feel compelled to assign intent to him. The US is confident enough, secure enough and open enough to easily accept his assurance that he didn’t mean anything by it.”
