Westlife金曲【Seasons in the Sun】
文章來源: april182003-12-18 10:04:09
【Seasons in the Sun 】下載
好像F4紅遍整個亞洲一樣,Westlife席卷歐周大陸,無疑是近年來最紅的男孩偶像團體。那天在聽Westlife翻唱的金曲"Seasons in the Sun",真是喜歡。 Goodbye to you my trusted friend,一起長大的夥伴。。。 Goodbye Papa please pray for me,教我成人的父親。。。 Goodbye Michelle my little one,給我愛情的女孩。。。 這是一首創作於1961年的法語歌曲,原名"Le Moribund" (literal translation: "the dying man"),多年沒有引起注意。一直到70年代中由Terry Jacks演唱錄製,才一炮打響。歌詞描寫即將離開這個世界的人向親友告別,應該是無比憂傷的。 But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time。。。 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone。。。 回憶曾經的幸福時光,生活是如此讓人戀戀不舍。 it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air。。。 作為陽光男孩,Westlife詮釋這首歌中的美好回憶,效果極佳。他們是來自愛爾蘭的合唱團,由Shane、Kian、Nicky、Bryan、Mark五位優秀的年輕人組成的。Westlife的成名可謂英格蘭島上的又一傳奇。他們以清純的外表和抒情流行的演唱風格,一經出道就奪取了千百萬歐陸少年的心,其勢頭不可阻擋。曆經五年風雨,亦成為史上最長壽、最成功的男孩團體。最近Westlife粉碎解散傳言,打出“深情情歌”招牌再度出發,又出新歌。 Westlife出過4張專輯,『Westlife』、『Coast To Coast』、『World Of Our Own』和最新的『Turnaround』(2003年11月),為我們帶來了不少很動聽的好歌。曲風有快有慢,製作質量很高。作為一個偶像團體,他們的唱功很好,主唱聲音有感染力,這一點是F4們難望其項背的。 Westlife曾在出道之初的短短時間裏,打破了The Beatles保持的7首單曲連續登上英國流行樂冠軍位置的吉尼斯世界記錄。到目前為止,他們擁有11首冠軍單曲記錄,下麵是其中一些的MP3下載。
Swear it Again; Flying without Wings; Fool Again; Seasons in the Sun; Uptown Girl; 這個最新的Mandy也不錯。
"Seasons in the Sun" Lyrics [Kian:] Goodbye to you my trusted friend We've known each other since we were nine or ten Together we've climbed hills and trees Learned of love and ABC's Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees [Bryan:] Goodbye my friend it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I'll be there [All:] We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time [Shane:] Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along [Mark:] Goodbye papa it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I'll be there [All:] We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone [Nicky:] Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground [Shane:] Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there [All:] We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 感謝NEO提供的Westlife “Seasons in the Sun” MTV。建議下載以後觀看。 下麵是Terry Jacks 1974年原唱版本的Flash。BTW,還是認為Westlife唱得更好。