如何消滅花園菜地的鼻涕蟲係列 2 之3
文章來源: BlackBanboo2009-05-01 12:24:25
網上查詢了一番,得出許多結果,與大家分享。 朋友們要來講一聲呀,無論用過哪個方法。

Cornmeal (玉米粉)


1. Put a tablespoon or two of cornmeal in a jar and lay it on its side wherever there is slug activity. The slugs love this stuff and after eating it they die。
2. When you go out in the evening, you should find many slugs in and around the trap. It is also quite easy to pick them up at this time.

Beer (啤酒)


1. 挖一個4-6 英寸深的洞。
2. 洞裏放個塑料杯。
3. 杯內滿入80%的啤酒。
4. 每天檢查。撿出杯中的鼻涕蟲,如果需要的話,加滿啤酒。鼻涕蟲喜愛啤酒中的酵母和大麥。

1. Dig a hole approximately 4-6 inches deep.
2. Place a plastic (disposable) cup inside the hole.
3. Fill the cup about 80% full of beer. Yes, beer.
4. Check daily. Empty out the slugs and refill with beer as often as needed. The slugs are attracted to the yeast and barley in the beer.

(注: 啤酒還是留著自己享用吧。:D)

Ammonia (氨水)
1. 用一份家用氨水,六份水稀釋。稀釋後的氨水好相不會傷壞葉子。
2. 噴向鼻涕蟲。 五分鍾後回來查看,鼻涕蟲會化掉。
1. Mix plain household ammonia (or sudsy ammonia if that\'s all you can find), 1 part ammonia to 6 parts water. This dilution doesn\'t seem to burn foliage.
2. Spritz onto slug, come back in 5 minutes and slug will have dissolved.
o A pressurized garden sprayer, or a trigger sprayer will work.

Organic Deterrents:(有機的阻止物質)
1. 鹽。 把鹽撒在鼻涕蟲爬過的地方。鹽會使鼻涕蟲脫水。但是,如果你用這塊地種植物,鹽會破壞種種物的土壤。
2. 咖啡渣和雞蛋殼也是鼻涕蟲的阻止物質。把用過 咖啡渣(越濃越好)和碎蛋殼放在你要保護的植物四周。
3. 購買銅條也是一種方式。 盡管不便宜,銅條是保護小麵積和單株植物的好的物質。銅會向鼻涕蟲和蝸牛的粘液放靜電。至使鼻涕蟲和蝸牛脫水。
4. 其他可用作鼻涕蟲的有機物質, 通常有尖銳外形的, 吸水的石片。
5. 砂子。早春的季節,用大量的細砂撒在新苗的四周。鼻涕蟲不喜歡砂子,因為砂子會拉壞鼻涕蟲的肚皮導至死亡。

1. Use salt. Spread salt on the surface where they are crawling around and they will dry up. However, if you plan to use the soil to grow plants in, salt can very easily ruin the soil for plants.
2. Coffee grounds and egg shells will also deter slugs. Place used coffee grounds (the stronger the better) or broken egg shells in a circular perimeter around the plants you are trying to protect.
3. Buy copper strips as an alternative. While these are expensive, they are also a good alternative for protecting small areas or individual plants. They react electrostatically with the slug or snail slime. The pests dry up.
4. Consider the other organic slug deterrents that generally contain sharp, water-absorbing, stone chips. Slugs don\'t like to slide over sharp stone on their delicate tummies and if they do come into contact with it, it acts rather like salt and desiccates them.
5. Use sand. Distribute playground sand around young plants early in the Spring. Be generous with the sand. Slugs hate sand because it rips their bellies open and they die.

Chemical Methods (化學方法)
1. 藥物含有有毒的成分(鼻涕蟲的誘餌要放在隱蔽的地方)。不幸的是, 狗也會喜歡吃食並會中毒。如果你有狗和寵物的話, 避免使用有毒的殺蟲劑。

1. Consider the remedies available that involve toxic materials (neatly disguised with slug/snail attractants). Unfortunately, dogs are also attracted and can consume the poisons and become very ill. If you have a dog, avoid pesticides that contain toxins.