2010諾貝爾和平獎授獎儀式隆重舉行 - 一把空椅子引人注目【組圖】
文章來源: StillH2ORunDeep2010-12-10 06:03:00






今天世界各地的主要媒體都對 2010 諾貝爾和平獎授獎儀式做了重點報道,尤其是 授獎儀式上的空椅子,代表自 1935 年以來 唯一的身陷囹圄的不能出席獲獎人的

紐約時報 :

For the first time in 75 years, no representative of the winner was allowed to make the trip to receive the peace medal, a diploma and the $1.5 million check that comes with it.

The last time that happened was in 1935, when Hitler prevented that year’s winner, Count Carl von Ossietzky, who was imprisoned in a concentration camp, and indeed anyone from Germany from attending the ceremony.

挪威諾貝爾委員會 ThorbjornJagland 主席強調這次 諾貝爾和平獎 的重要性和意義,也表示了希望

Noting Mr. Liu’s absence, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Thorbjorn Jagland, said to a standing ovation: “This fact alone shows that the award was necessary and appropriate.”

“It is no coincidence that nearly all the richest countries in the world are democratic, because democracy mobilizes new human and technological resources,” he said. “China’s new status entails increased responsibility. China must be prepared for criticism, and regard it as a positive, as an opportunity for improvement.” Representatives from the 60-plus diplomatic missions accredited in Oslo normally attend the ceremony. But this year 16 ambassadors, including those from China and Russia, declined to attend, Nobel officials said, although not all characterized their absence as a direct result of the intense pressure and threats of reprisal from China.

Instead of a statement from Mr. Liu, a piece of his writing was read by the Norwegian actress and movie director Liv Ullmann . ( 紐約時報 )

Jagland 主席 : “He has done nothing wrong. He must be released. (from NPR report this morning)





(圖片來自CNN, 紐約時報)