文章來源: 在城裏2017-12-28 10:46:06

1. 以 -v 啟動docker 後,查看volume在host上的路徑:


2. If you need ping in the container, read this post:

Docker ubuntu ping bash not found

3. If you want to access a folder on the host from a ubuntu VM :

How to Access Folders on Your Host Machine from an Ubuntu Virtual Machine in VirtualBox

4. ubuntu 密碼忘記了怎麽辦?

How to change root password in ubuntu?

5. pip 批量安裝:

How to pip install packages according to requirements.txt from a local directory?

For virtualenv to install all files in the requirements.txt file.

  1. cd to the directory where requirements.txt is located
  2. activate your virtualenv
  3. run: pip install -r requirements.txt in your shell
