周末回請,香煎Otoro,水煮Short Rib, Butter Chanterelle,紅燒肉 等.
文章來源: 天涯食客2012-01-08 00:38:20


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餐前的Truffle Mousse, 結果沒來得及吃:

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鮮剝的English Pea, 用火腿燒的,有火腿的醇,又有鮮豆的清香和甜味:

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新鮮的Yellow Chanterelle 蘑菇,要手撕成一條條的,不粘鐵器,用Butter燒的:

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Otoro, 煎來吃的,酥嫩可口:

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水煮牛肉,用Beef Short Rib 做的:

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