聽俺 FMG 胡侃幾個學英語的鬼花招
文章來源: FMG2008-04-22 12:24:48




當年有一位日本朋友推薦給我一本教材,對我幫助很大。這本書(帶磁帶)是由有趣的爵士樂節奏的 chanting 組成。記得其中幾句講一個女孩要減肥可是做不到因為:

She eats twelve cans of tuna fish e-very night.
Twel-ve cans!
Twel-ve cans
Twelve cans of tuna fish e-very night

e-very night!
e-very night
twelve cans of tuna fish e-very night

就是這個小遊戲,讓我徹底改變了發 V 的音時上唇不肯咬下唇的毛病。

不知道大家是不是像我一樣,分不清 greet great 的發音,這本書中下麵的這段對俺幫助極大。它描述了某人倒黴的一天,注意畫底線的字母是我們常見的錯誤(注意長短音的區別):

I overslept and missed my train,
Slipped on the sidewalk
in the pouring rain,
Sprained my ankle, skinned my knees,
Broke my glass, lost my keys...

Bought a pen that didn’t write,
Took it back and had a fight.
Went home angry, lock the door,
Crawled into bed, couldn't take it any more...

還有,多聽歌曲也是提高英語的一個重要因素,記得有一首歌教會了我多達 20 個雙詞動詞。聽了“ Country road, take me home ”才知道俺那“ moun tain ”一 詞就從來沒百分之百說對過。如果您起點比較高,對曆史事件感興趣,又想練練嘴皮子,那 " We Didn't Start the Fire " by Billy Joel 就是個絕好的材料,保您過癮。歌中光是人所共知的就提到了周恩來,胡誌明,尼克鬆,夢露,朝鮮戰爭,斯大林,甚至天安門廣場事件。好了,爵士,鄉村,百老匯,搖滾,隨你挑選,樂趣無窮。

在享受中學習,適應美國文化,還能用來和美國人侃大山,何樂而不為呢?春天來了, 走出門看綠色,聞花香,聽鳥叫,交朋友, 這英語就在不知不覺中變好了,不信您就試試!


Jazz Chants : Rhythms of American English for Students of English As a Second Language
Author: Carolyn Graham

聽說過買書不如借書,結束不如租書。先試著借書,查看當地圖書館或ESLprograms。借書買書時別忘了要帶有AudioCD。這位作者有很多本書,最有可能俺用的是這本jazz chants。千萬別嫌內容簡單,等把這本書念熟了,你的舌頭就滑溜了。

Carolyn Graham is the creator of Jazz Chants® , which connect the rhythm of spoken American English to the beat of jazz. She developed the technique of jazz chanting during her twenty-five years of teaching ESL in the American Language Institute of New York University. She has also taught at Harvard University and has conducted workshops in the NYU School of Education, Columbia Teachers College in New York and Tokyo, and elsewhere throughout the world. Ms. Graham is the author of numerous Jazz Chants® books, all published by Oxford University Press.