文章來源: 一語湖邊_lakeshore2009-02-14 14:28:01
 - 敲月下湖大元宵,推字填文字,敲月思鄉情 

 源自:Google photo

序:每逢佳節陪思親,海外華人普天慶,文化猶如遠方的草地,俞遠則更綠,海外網絡遊子紛紛寫下元宵詩,我也湊了幾句,還與友人有一番討教,對著湖麵一個大大的月亮,我用了個 “敲”字,還琢磨著用 “推”來做動詞。你們說呢?

Holidays arose people's sentimental feelings of the land called home. This is not at all any thing new, because it is already depicted  some thousand years ago as in the Dang poems. This tradition keeps overseas Chinese busy,  writing something openly or even to themselves when a bright moon hanging over there, or hiding behind the clouds. A night called - "Moon Festival".

In its modernity form, of the Cyberspace, it fascinating to see as many as millions of people in foreign lands crowded with young and old making songs and poems emotionally of their homesick, or self amusement. I am not an exception, made here a few lines tonight to imitate the rhythms.

"Tui", the action verb in Chinese, is 'to push
sth by force" or "Qiao" to say "knocking something off", or down, I used the verb "knock", the moon into the lake,  for it was so big and close to us hanging in the night sky over the lake. According to the news today, the moon we saw tonight, Feb 9, this year of 2009 was the biggest we might be able to have envisioned ever from the earth since 1958. 



Feb 12,2009

【Audio & Video】Ref:

記於 2009  元宵節