【披著羊皮的狼】 譚詠麟, 刀郎
文章來源: 2009-05-06 09:51:57

我小心翼翼的接近 怕你在夢中驚醒
我隻是想輕輕的吻吻你 你別擔心


我真的好愛你 我願意改變自己
隻求你不要拒絕 不要離別 不要給我風雪

i'm carefully carefully getting closer, being afraid of waking you up from a dream
i'm only wanting to quietly quietly kiss kiss you, you please don't be scared

i know wanting to be with you, isn't easy
we're coming from different sky and ground
you always feel, being with me, is like being in endless damp cold fears

i truly love you very much that i'm willing to change myself
i'm not afraid of, for you, wandering in GeBi desert
only beg you: do not refuse, do not go away, do not leave me in wind and snow

我真的好愛你 我願意改變自己
隻求你讓我靠近 讓我愛你 相偎相依

i truly love you very much that i'm willing to change myself
i'm willing to wear a set of lamb skin
only ask you to let me get closer, let me love you, embrace one another

而你是我的獵物 是我嘴裏的羔羊
我拋卻同伴獨自流浪 就是不願別人把你分享

i'm sure i AM that ONE wolf, covering by lamb skin
while, you, are my hunting prey, are my mouth-filling baby sheep
i've left friends, wandering all alone, for not letting others sharing you

i'm sure, this whole life time, always be on your side 
with a fire-hot heart, go with you to any-where
you make me fool, drive me crazy
howling for loving you, still echos between valleys

你讓我癡 讓我狂
愛你的嚎叫 還在山穀回蕩

一直到沙漠日落大海乾涸 始終為愛 執著

perhaps, within my entire life, there's no chance to enter into your life
i'm, while, for you, waiting a life time, courageously
till that, in desrt, sun disappears; ocean runs dry, still for Love, firmly standing

perhaps, during my life time, there's no way to change your heart
but i'm having, for blessing your entire life, the gentle Love


隻要你能夠堅信 我的真心 至死不渝
only if you hold your strong belief in my devoted heart, till death do us apart


你是我的天使 是我的夢想

i'm sure, you are in my heart, the flower-like lamb
you are my angel, are my dream

我摟你在懷裡 裝進我的身體
i hold you in my arms, put you inside of me
let your blood and mine, mix and flow together

我有多愛你 就有多少柔情
我相信這柔情 定能感動天地

you surely see me for you wearing the tender lamb skin
it's a man's unspeakable frail inner-feelings
how much i love you, there will much tenderness be
i believe such tender love, surely can touch and move, heaven and earth


you surely see me, for you, wearing such a gentle lamb skin
that's, a man, to turn around his destiny, making a decision

how much royal my heart is, much cherished these genuine feelings are

我有多真心 珍惜這份真情

i believe this loving truth, is, between heaven and earth, the highest reaching honor