運動技能障礙(Motor skills disorder)
文章來源: 蘭草齋2010-12-29 15:59:49
運動技能障礙(Motor skills disorder)
A. Performance in daily activities that require motor coordination is substantially below that expected given the person's chronological age and measured intelliagence. This may be manifested by marked delays in achieving motor milestones (e.g., walking, crawling, sitting), dropping things "clumsiness", poor performance in sports, or poor handwriting.

B. The distubance in criterion A significantly interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily living.

C. The disturbance is not due to a general medical condition (e.g., cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, or muscular dystrophy) and does not meet criteria for a pervasive developmental disorder.

D. If mental retardation is present, the motor difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with it.