Ford will emerge out of the slump stronger and better
文章來源: californiairis2008-11-14 18:52:21
Someone said below that Ford will not survive in 2009. I think a little information exchage may be beneficial.

The following can be found in the web:

1. Ford has 19 billion on hand at the end of this quarter; Another 10 billion of credit line avaiable; Ford is still working to get rid of Volvo, and perhaps part of its share of Mazda. This would fetch another 2~3 billion.
2. With 11 million annual sales, 14% market share as assumption, Ford figures it can survive to 2010. The new administration will certainly provide some bridge loan in between.
3. Ford has the best quality products, per Consumer Report. Its quality is statistically on par with Toyota and Honda; Just look at the Fusion, Edge and LinColn MKS and you will know why this is true.
4. Ford has NOT abandoned any product plan, much UNLIKE GM and Chrysler. The current plan to bring Europe cars to US is on going; The only likely to be killed program is Ford 150 new diesel;
5. Ford has the best hybrid systems in the world; The new Fusion hybrid will have at least 5 mpg better fuel economy than Toyota's Camry hybrid;
6. Last but not least, Ford has the best leadership team among the big three (I can not say in the whole industry). Allen Mullaly has done an outstanding job in steering the ship;

Ford will come out of the slump stronger and better.

Of course, if people stop buying ANYTHING in the next 12 months, most of the business in the world will go bankrupt, including Ford.

To those who is so eager to buy a Japanese car, just a few words. It is definitely your right to choose what to buy. Just remember, although Toyota/Honda do have operations here in the US, but their earnings are shipped back to Japan. Ford (and GM and Chrysler) has HQ here, with all earnings coming back to the American people (yes, you and me if you have to admit).