[世界傑出的年輕指揮]Ludovic Morlot( 36歲,法國人 )
文章來源: 法國薰衣草2010-04-08 03:40:57

1974[1]Lyon), is a French conductor.Royal Academy of Music, and began his studies in conducting in London in 1994, where his mentors included [2]Sir Colin Davis, George Hurst and Colin Metters. At the Royal College of Music, he was a Norman Del Mar conducting fellow. In the US, he attended the Pierre Monteux school for conductors. He held the Seiji Ozawa Fellowship in conducting at the Tanglewood festival in 2001.[3]Orchestre National de Lyon (ONL), where his responsibilities included conducting the ONL's two youth orchestras. From 2004 to 2007, he was an assistant conductor with the [3]Boston Symphony Orchestra, which he conducted for the first time in subscription concerts in April 2005.[4]Tristan Murail, in January 2009 , and Helios Choros II (Sun God Dancers) by [5]Augusta Read Thomas in October 2009.



Ludovic Morlot (born

As a youth, Morlot trained as a violinist. He later attended the

From 2002 to 2004, Morlot served as conductor-in-residence with the

Morlot's work in contemporary music has included conducting the US premieres of Gondwana by