蘇格蘭作曲家Phamie Gow的《戰爭之曲》(War Song)
文章來源: 法國薰衣草2008-09-21 13:17:10

第一次聽到這個曲子時,真是為之一振,這麽清新,淡然,舒緩,亮麗的旋律,得知曲名卻叫《war song》直譯是戰爭之歌,這麽優美的旋律真難以相信是說戰爭,沒有聽到什麽槍炮聲,也沒看到彌漫的硝煙,還是為戰爭困惑的人的思緒, 他們對美的期盼。。。很奇妙。總之很好聽,

作曲家Phamie Gow 是蘇格蘭人,她是一個多才多藝的音樂家,她本人是豎琴演奏家,可也涉及其他樂器,比如手風琴,鋼琴,笛子,聲樂,作曲家,製作人等。


Phamie Gow - War Song

Scottish born Phamie Gow is an award winning, multi-talented musician. Not only is she a renowned for her ground breaking performances as a harpist, she is also a talented singer, pianist, whistle player, accordionist, composer and producer! Phamie's unique rhythmic and exciting musical style have helped to challenge traditional perceptions of harp playing and through collaborations with a wide range of musicians and instruments she has maintained a vibrant fresh sound. Phamie has toured extensively around Europe, America and Canada, performing in festivals and distinguished concert halls including The Carnegie Hall in New York.
