文章來源: 小曾2008-12-08 19:24:23



二寶最近愛看星球大戰方麵的書, 亂七八糟地看了不少, 包括一些CHAPTER BOOK. 今天大寶做學校的PROJECT, 要求給自己最喜歡的書做了介紹, 大寶在那奮筆疾書的同時, 我們讓二寶也隨便寫個STORY. 於是他自己在那悶頭寫了以下故事,除了一個單詞拚寫錯誤外, 其他的都還正確.

 Once there was a dragon. He was so powerful no one defafeted(defeated) him. Then one day a jedi master names Obi-war came to the planet. The people told him that the dragon defafeted(defeated) everyone, even the famous dragon slayer, St. George. The next morning Obi-wan fought the dragon. Obi-wan was going to win in the beginning because Obi-wan always sliced the dragon’s neck. But the dragon had so many skin they made a shield. Obi-wan tried to throw handcuffs at the dragon. But the dragon burned the handcuffs.

Obi-wan forced a cave at the dragon. But the dragon fired at the groud so Obi-wan couldn’t force it at him. Obi-wan used his light saber at the dragon’s neck. Now the dragon had to heal. This was perfect time for Obi-wan to force the cave. He did. It hit the dragon’s head, destroying the dragon’s shield and the dragon.