文章來源: BMW330i2007-12-06 22:45:52
Today in History - Dec. 6
The Associated Press - Dec 5, 2007
In 1907, the worst mining disaster in US history occurred as 362 men and boys died in a coal mine explosion in Monongah, W.Va. In 1917, some 2000 people ...

Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Preventing Future Coal Mining Disasters
Wheeling Intelligencer, WV - 12 hours ago
As a result, the US Bureau of Mines was created. But the mines continued to take a heavy toll. In 1968, 78 men died in a mine explosion at Farmington, ...
W.Va. Marks Disaster Centennial Houston Chronicle
Documentary Looks at Monongah Tragedy WVVA TV
all 13 news articles »

Monongah Mine Disaster Remembered
WVNS-TV, WV - 5 hours ago
MONONGAH -- The worst mining disaster in United States history happened 100 years ago Thursday when 361 miners were killed in Monongah on Dec. 6 1907. ...
Singing the Alarm
Washington Post, United States - Dec 5, 2007
... not far from the coal mine disaster commemorated in Reed's "Explosion in the Fairmount Mine," the deadliest in US history, killing 362 men and boys. ...
Exhibit focuses on mining's darkest days
Daily Mail - Charleston, WV - 15 hours ago
The exhibit commemorates the 100th anniversary of the worst month in US coal mining history - December 1907. Altogether, more than 700 coal miners died in ...
Today's Highlight in History
GoErie.com, PA - 21 hours ago
6, 1907, the worst mining disaster in US history occurred as 362 men and boys died in a coal mine explosion in Monongah, W.Va. 1865, the 13th Amendment to ...
Ship bears Irwin's name
Seattle Times, United States - 20 hours ago
1907: The worst mining disaster in US history occurred as 362 men and boys died in a coal-mine explosion in Monongah, W.Va. ...
Today is Thursday, Dec. 6, the 340th day of 2007. There are
Youngstown Vindicator, OH - 23 hours ago
In 1907, the worst mining disaster in US history occurs as 362 men and boys die in a coal mine explosion in Monongah, W.Va. In 1917, some 2000 people die ...
Naomi Mine disaster recalled
Uniontown Herald Standard, PA - Dec 1, 2007
"This memorial is very significant, because it reminds us of black December, the darkest month in coal mining in the history of the United States," said ...

CBS News
Disaster Strikes Ukraine Mine Again
CBS News, NY - Nov 30, 2007
(AP Photo/PhotoMig) A look at some of the notable US coal mining disasters over the years. (AP) An explosion early Saturday hit the Ukrainian coal mine ...
以美國為例19th世紀末,麵對繁重的工作量、不斷延長的工作時機及低微的收入終於引發了工人運動,這也就是美國勞動節與國際勞動節的來源:History of Labor Day:Labor Day is the day we celebrate the process our mothers went through
in order to deliver us at birth. Sorry, wrong holiday. Labor Day is the day we celebrate the achievements of the American labor movement. While it is still disputed whether the holiday was first proposed by Peter J.
McGuire, the leader of the Brotherhood of Carpenters, or Matthew Maguire, a machinist -- observances of the holiday go back over a century.

The first Labor Day celebration was September 15, 1882 in New York City and was organized by the Central Labor Union. The legislature of New York first deliberated a bill to establishment a regular holiday, but
Oregon was the first to pass it on February 21, 1887. It was first proposed as "a street parade to exhibit to the public the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations."

But it was on June 28, 1894 that Congress made the first Monday in September an official Labor Day holiday. In 1909 the Sunday preceding was designated as Labor Sunday, dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.
Labor's Day is on May 1st. Labor's Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.

此節源於美國芝加哥城的工人大罷工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的二十一萬六千餘名工人為爭取實行八小時工作製而舉行大罷工,經過艱苦的流血鬥爭,終於獲得了勝利。為紀念這次偉大的工人運動,1889年7 月第二國際宣布將每年的五月一日定為國際勞動節。這一決定立即得到世界各國工人的積極響應。1890年5月1日,歐美各國的工人階級率先走向街頭,舉行盛大的示威遊行與集會,爭取合法權益。從此,每逢這一天世界各國的勞動人民都要集會、遊行,以示慶祝。中國人民慶祝勞動節的活動可追溯至1918年。是年,一些革命的知識分子在上海、蘇州、杭州、漢口等地向群眾散發介紹“五一”的傳單。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、廣州、九江、唐山等各工業城市的工人群眾浩浩蕩蕩地走向街市、舉行了聲勢浩大的遊行、集會,這就是中國曆史上的第一個五一勞動節。放後,中央人民政府政務院於1949年12月將五月一日定為法定的勞動節,是日全國放假一天。節日,舉國歡慶,人們換上節日的盛裝,興高采烈地聚集在公園、劇院、廣場,參加各種慶祝集會或文體娛樂活動,並對有突出貢獻的勞動者進行表彰。


5月1日,國際勞動節,它是全世界工人階級鬥爭的曆史紀念,每個國家都很重視它,尤其是美國、加拿大、南非。事件起因是, 1880年美國工人遊行集會要求8小時工作製。1884年,聯邦貿易組織通過了一項解決方案,以立法的形式規定從1886年5月1日開始執行每日8 小時工作製,但此後,工人們仍然被強迫每天工作10小時,12小時,甚至14小時,這使得該項立法明有實亡,而各地的聯邦首腦對此卻表示出十分冷淡和不友好的態度,於是一場為爭取8小時工作的罷工開始了。

1886年4月,25 萬工人參加了五一勞動節遊行示威活動。此項活動由非政府國際工人聯合會組織,活動的中心在芝加哥,商人和政府對這次活動愈來愈表現出的革命性感到恐懼,當地商界首腦要求增加警察和軍隊的數量。芝加哥商業俱樂部購賣了2000美元的槍支用於警戒對付這次罷工,5月1日這次遊行活動得到了芝加哥紡織工人、鞋工人、房屋裝修工人的支持,5月3日,警察開始向罷工的人群開火,打死打傷四人,一些非政府人士號召第二天在haymarket 廣場集會抗議政府的暴力鎮壓。

這場集會的過程中沒有發生什麽事件,但在最後一位講演者登上講台時,天下起了雨,廣場上隻剩下幾百人,180 名警察進入廣場疏散人群,這時一顆炸彈飛向警察中間,炸死一名,炸傷七名警察,警察立即向人群開火,打死一名打傷多名群眾。

由於無法斷定是誰扔的炸彈,這個事件成了攻擊勞動節遊行活動的把柄,警察查抄懷疑對象的家和辦公室,有數百人在未指控下被逮捕,尤其是那些此次活動的領導者被襲擊,8名芝加哥活動的積極倡導者被指控涉嫌廣場炸彈事件和企圖謀反,法庭在證據不足的情況下開庭審判,判決其中4人於1887年11月11 日絞刑。(另一名自殺於獄中,其它三名直到1893年才被釋放)。

回答:當時代表美國利益的是初步形成的壟斷集體,在勞動階級的對立麵,他不能接受 1889 年,在巴黎召開的國際工人大會將 5 月 1 日 定為“國際勞動節”,以紀念以芝加哥為主導的美國工人大罷工。此後, 5 月 1 日 便成了全球性工人團結的象征。
中國如何麵對這些社會問題? 和諧社會、最低工資保障。。。相信中國的工人階級政府、廣大的勞動人民有足夠的智慧與能力,克服一切困難險阻,繼續建設我們的偉大祖國。