Yellow outside, White inside
文章來源: 平安是福mtl2008-08-19 21:19:23

中午一起吃飯時,偶然聽到一當地出生的Chinese同事說:“I'm yellow outside, but white inside”。因隻聽到他說這句話,不清楚什麽話題引發他這麽說,但事後這句話一直在我腦海裏轉,讓我無法釋然。




什麽是"yellow outside, white inside"? 皮膚有黑白黃之分,內心怎麽還有顏色之分?這明顯就是說白色比黃色有優越感,要和我們這些地道的黃皮膚人劃清界限?


我希望我的孩子以作為華人而自豪,為中國而自豪,為能說中國話而自豪。我希望他們不管在哪裏不管做什麽都要充滿自信。無論如何,不能說:”I'm yellow outside, but white inside."

English follow...

During the lunch time, when I sit down, I heard one of my Chinese colleagues, who was born here in Canada, said:”I’m yellow outside, but white inside.” As I didn’t know what caused him to say this, I don't want to make judgement on what he said, but the words really brought me many thoughts.

The first time I heard about “yellow outside, white inside” when I was in Singapore. The young Singaporean were called “banana” because they are Chinese but can’t read and write Chinese; They are educated in English; Their ways of thinking and acting are more close to western people and that’s also the trend they want to follow.

At that time I didn’t think too much. That’s the fact and I respect others’ thoughts.

Now I think of my children and think about the meaning behind these words. What if one day they say the same words? For sure, I will feel sad about it and for sure I don’t want this happen to my children.

People have different colors. We can’t control this and nothing wrong with this. But why there are different colors inside? What means that? By saying it, I can sense the meaning behind that : White is superior to yellow; White should be treated differently than yellow.

I don’t want my children to say this even have such thinking. If one day they are treated differently just because of the color of the skin, it may make them lose self-confident, probably they will blame us why gave them yellow skin not white; If they feel they are different from Chinese from China and look down on them or don’t want to be treated the same way as them, there is no difference than they look down on their parents, the same as they look down on themselves. That will be my big mistake in educating my children.

I want my children to be proud of being Chinese, can speak Chinese and also benefit from speaking Chinese; I want them to be confident all the time no matter what they are doing and where they are. In any cases, never say: “I’m yellow outside, but white inside.”

I don't mean to blame my colleague or judge him here. He is a good guy. I believe he cares about China. He ever donated for China's earthquake...Probably he meant to say that his way of thinking or looking at things was different from Chinese from China and closer to the local people. No matter what, this gives us a warning. As parents of children who were born or grow up here, we should be responsible for guiding them to have the right view. We should REALLY put effort on this.