about the bear market..... --> to javaqueen
文章來源: 卵蛋2007-11-22 07:43:20
are you sure we are entering a bear market, not a big correction??

I did a research on most of the bear market back 20 years ago.. here is the result.

when bear market start to drop, the stocks that drop the most are those hot stocks(rimm,goog, appl....)

when bear maket starts, most sector are at the top of their price,especially financial sector, I can\'t find any exception when the bear start to rule but the financial is at the bottom...

when bear market starts, the first 3 weeks will cut at least 15% on all major indexes, we only had 5% for the first 3 weeks..

when bear market starts, the gold sector usually down huge first because of the margin call, it didn\'t happen this time..