SNAP IPO 特別之處:stock 的voting power
文章來源: 藍調2017-04-07 21:07:01

1. 視頻介紹的很詳細,同時提到矽穀其他公司的作法:

2. Business Insider的文章中

Snap Inc. has three classes of common stock, Class A, Class B, and Class C, but the public shares it's offering will be Class A — the only class without voting rights.

Spiegel and Murphy own all three types of stock, and if either Spiegel or Murphy die, nine months later, the remaining cofounder would be able to "exercise voting control over our outstanding capital stock, " i.e. their control is going to last for a very long time.

3.  華爾街日報:美國科技行業IPO怪現象:隻要錢不給權



4. 存一下ipo的文檔, 有不同日期的2個版本,這裏是較晚的一個:

5. Snapchat 更名為Snap,為產品的多樣化埋下了伏筆。更名時機,把握恰當。