Bet on RIMM good ER, bot some OTM calls
文章來源: wavePlayer2007-08-07 21:52:07
1. RIMM 一月和四月 ER 前, 股價到最高, MM 似有意推高股價,Set up 在ER 後打壓.
加之ER前普遍看好, 分析師評級也水漲船高. 而這次正相反, 分析師評級
五/五分, MM 似在ER前借iPhone有意打壓RIMM, Set up for big jump after ER?

2. ER 預期也不高, 1.06, 隻比上季多七分. 而過去四季平均ER Q/Q 增長是 0.09c
Average ER growth: Q/Q 12%. 如不出意外, 1.08 EPS 應該不困難.

3. 上一季 Revenue growth was 11% (Q/Q), 但 ER growth was 6.5% (Q/Q) 低於平均值. 似有Delay ER 到這季之嫌. RIMM 在 commercial and consumer market has strong growth, and still can keep profit margin, there is no reason the ER disconneted with revenue growth.

4. TA 指標同樣支持以上分析.

Worst case: 準備OMT call 喂鱷魚.