文章來源: cheese_puff2008-01-28 17:58:45

第一種,新奇有趣。比如說森本正治的Bell pepper sushi,就是那醃過的紅甜椒冒充tuna,看起來鮮亮,吃起來有意想不到的滋味,讓人不自覺的情緒一亮。心中暗服,真是天才的搭配。但是這種好吃,不太禁得起第二次吃,因為新鮮感過去了,新的也成了舊的。
第三種,天衣無縫。原料未必多金貴,但是滋味被精心的搭配,一切都彌合的那麽完美,吃到嘴裏,反應隻有一個--眼睛睜得大大的,不知道說什麽好,隻能斷斷續續的說:“Oh my god! This is soooo good!"
話說俺買了4隻帶皮雞腿,準備照bon appetit做此菜,因為餓了,所以左右開弓,左邊熱鍋煎上雞腿(已經撒上鹽和胡椒),右麵鍋裏放了8隻李子幹(dried prune),灑上一層白蘭地。雞腿開始冒煙,因為雞皮尚在,滿屋裏都是雞的臊味,心裏想,糟了,這會好吃嗎?俺的白蘭地聞起來都臭臭的(被熏得失去嗅覺了)但是騎虎難下,接著做。
劈裏啪啦的拍好照片,一邊把照相機接到電腦上,一邊捏起一個李子咬一口----我完全被雷擊了,世界停止了.......這個李子飽吸了雞湯,白蘭地,百裏香的香味,在我口中爆炸開。咬一口雞腿,軟滑,無比的香濃。這個立刻被我歸到第三類。現在真得不難想象iron chef的評委有時候的表現。看起來不是那麽華麗的菜,評委們差點涕淚交流了。:)

chicken with shallots, prunes, and armagnac Bon Appétit | February 2008

Makes 4 servings

The Bon Appétit Test Kitchen

1 cup large pitted prunes (about 20)
2/3 cup Armagnac or other brandy, divided
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 4-pound cut-up free-range chicken
12 large shallots, peeled
1 1/4 cups organic chicken broth
3 large fresh thyme sprigs plus 1 1/2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
1 teaspoon Sherry wine vinegar
Boil prunes with 1/3 cup Armagnac in small saucepan until almost all liquid is absorbed, about 3 minutes. Cover and set aside.

Heat oil in heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper. Add to skillet, skin side down; cook until browned, about 5 minutes per side. Transfer to plate. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons drippings. Add shallots; cook until browned in spots, about 5 minutes. Add remaining 1/3 cup Armagnac; boil 30 seconds, scraping up browned bits. Add broth, prunes, and thyme sprigs; bring to boil. Add chicken in single layer, skin side up, and any accumulated juices. Cover, reduce heat to medium, and simmer until chicken is cooked through, about 17 minutes. Transfer chicken to plate.

Stir vinegar into sauce; simmer until thickened, 3 minutes. Remove thyme sprigs. Season with salt and pepper. Pour sauce over chicken. Sprinkle with chopped thyme.