FYI: Pathology residents, you are on call!
文章來源: 力刀2011-03-11 22:40:53
FYI: Pathology residents, you are on call!



發信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信區: Physician
標 題: FYI: path residents, pls have a look! u r on call!
發信站: BBS 未名空間站 (Sat Mar 12 01:28:07 2011, 美東)

發信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信區: Pre_Resident_Club
標 題: FYI: path residents, pls have a look! u r on call!
發信站: BBS 未名空間站 (Sat Mar 12 01:25:47 2011, 美東)

Dear path residents,

Me, as an attending, an old guy of your colleagues, your big brother, ask
your help now--pls have a look! u r on call for duty--hope we all contribute
a little to help our new CMG ddmm in USMLE pathology!

thank you!


發信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信區: MedicalCareer
標 題: Re: STEP 1 GOLJIAN Patho slides Group recruiting
發信站: BBS 未名空間站 (Sat Mar 12 01:18:04 2011, 美東)

group study is a good format and more and more accepted or routinely adopted
in college, med school for all grade students.

Me, and many path residents who already passed such steps and being in path
residency training in my club are more than happy to give you guys help as
long as you guys need and do have difficulties in path study, especially
slides study,

Welcome you guys to go my club to show the questions and your difficulties
and slides, me or many residents will try best to help once we have time and
see it.......

any time, just bring them, but expect you guys carefully studied and give
good questions.......

you can also consider to use skyp new web tech to study efficiently and
including more ppl to your group or discussions.

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