千五基礎英語單詞例句 (A - Air)
文章來源: YuGong2009-08-17 21:37:37


a or an
[(1) one; (2) any; (3) each]
Would you give me a sheet of paper? (1)
A triangle has three sides. (2)
He comes to see his grandmother once a week. (3)

[having the power to do something]
Are you able to speak English?

[(1) almost; (2) of or having a relation to]
He completed about half of his work. (1)
We talk about the weather. (2)

[at a higher place]
His head was above the water.

[to agree to receive]
Please accept my thanks.

[(1) something that happens by chance or mistake; (2) an unplanned event]
She was injured in the accident. (1)
We met again by accident after seventeen years had passed. (2)

[(1) to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; (2) to make a statement against someone]
Her friend accused her of breaking his heart. (1)
The lawyer accused the suspect of lying. (2)

[(1) from side to side; (2) to the other side]
The box was ten centimeters across. (1)
The dog ran across the road. (2)

[to do something]
He acted immediately to stop the fight.

[one who seeks change through action]
The activist worked hard to change the law.

[someone acting in a play or show]
That actor frightened me.

[(1) to put (something) with another to make it larger; (2) to say more]
Please add my name to the list. (1) She told him to leave, but added that she would like to see him again. (2)
[the executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister]
The new administration starts work in January.

[(1) to accept; (2) to express one's guilt or responsibility]
When was the country admitted to the United Nations? (1)
He admitted that what he did was wrong. (2)

[a grown person]
Only an adult can sign the document.

[to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision]
Did you advise him to leave?

[(1)to influence;(2)to produce an effect on]
A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. (1)
Mr. Nutley's belief in my talent greatly affected my life. (2)

[feeling fear]
I am afraid of guns.

[(1)later; (2)behind]
She arrived after the lesson started. (1)
In the alphabet, B is after A. (2)

[(1) another time; (2) as before]
Sam played the song again. (1)
I found my book in the same place again. (2)

[(1) opposed to; (2) not agreeing with something]
They marched against the war. (1)
He agreed to most of the plan, but was against starting it now. (2)

[how old a person or thing is]
The legal age for voting is eighteen.

[an organization that is part of a larger group]
UNICEF is an agency of the United Nations.

[(1) an attack against a person or country; (2) the violation of a country's borders]
The surprise attack was an act of aggression. (1)
The country committed aggression when it crossed the border of the other country. (2)

[(1) of time past; (2) before now]
He was my friend long ago. (1)
I saw her two years ago. (2)

[(1) to have the same belief as someone; (2) to be willing to do something]
We agree about politics. (1)
Both sides agree to meet again next week. (2)

John studied agriculture because he wanted to be a farmer.

[(1) to help; (2) to support; (3) help, assistance]
He offered to aid the victims of the fire. (1)
Did you give money to aid the Democratic or the Republican candidate? (2)
Congress voted to provide aid to the flood victims. (3)

[(1) to point a gun at; (2) a goal or purpose]
You cannot hit the target if you do not aim the gun. (1)
The aim of the reformers is to improve government. (2)

[the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breathe]
The air is clean in the mountains.