今天是St. Patrick's Day
文章來源: 清風蝶影2010-03-17 12:22:08

今天是St. Patrick's Day



往年經濟還不那麽差的時候,我們公司每個部門都會有活動來慶祝St. Patrick's Day。公司給大夥發GOODY BAG,裏麵有St. Patrick's Day的塑料項鏈,WATER TATOO,金幣巧克力,帶羽毛的綠色圓珠筆等。我們部門一般來說是招待大家牛肉和洋白菜,還有大家POTLUCK。大家也都一起熱火朝天的跟著玩兒,穿綠衣服,戴綠帽子(沒辦法,他們都不懂中文:P),有人還穿綠色的鞋子,大家相互開著玩笑。現在經濟不好,公司不願意花錢,那些愛組織活動的積極份子們也沒有心情去折騰什麽了。今年新年後,我們幾個部門一起開PARTY,把Valentine's Day,中國新年和Super Bowl一口氣兒都給慶祝了,挺可笑的。新的CEO上任後強烈號召大家要把公司變成一個"fun to work"的company, 因為"we sell fun"; 可事實是公司裏的活動越來越少,大夥根本沒有什麽心情了。 特別是公司前年年底連著裁員兩次,一些老員工都被擂掉,人與人之間的熱情已經遠遠不如以前了。



不知怎麽今天由St. Patrick's Day想到這些。寫下來也無妨。等回家給女兒做綠色的蔬菜汁餡兒餅去,能逗她開心就好。:)

Also, please join me to enjoy the Celtic music on the special day!

The Mummer's Dance Lyrics

(written by: Loreena McKennitt)

When in the springtime of the year
When the trees are crowned with leaves
When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
Are dressed in ribbons fair.
When owls call the breathless moon
in the blue veil of the night
When shadows of the trees appear
amidst the lantern('s) light.
We've been rambling all the night
and sometime of this day
Now returning back again
we bring a garland gay.
Who will go down to those shady groves
and summon the shadows there
And tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
in the springtime of the year.
The sounds of birds seem to fill the wood
and when the fiddler plays
All their voices can be heard
long past their woodland days.
We've been rambling all the night
and sometime of this day
Now returning back again
we bring a garland gay.
And so they linked their hands and danced
'round in circles and in rows
And so the journey of the night descends
when all the shades are gone.
A garland gay we bring you here
And at your door we stand
Here's a sprout, well budded out
The work of our Lord's hand.
We've been rambling all the night
and sometime of this day
Now returning back again
we bring a garland gay.