文章來源: 我稀飯搗亂2008-09-09 17:36:50
Federer and Nadal although very different in taste, style and appearance has becoming one of the great rivalries in the history of tennis. They have played each other 18 times, with Nadal winning 12.

One of the greatest differences among Federer and Nadal is that Federer is more versatile and literally that he can play all-court with a high degree of proficiency while Nadal dominates the Clay. Moreover, Federer and Nadal are not even in the same sporting generations since they are not even at the same age. Federer is 27 and Nadal is 22. One is right handed and the other left. One grunts as he plays and the other does not.

Like the deadly or rather bitter rivalry in the glib jargon of sports, both Jimmy Connors and Maureen Connolly disliked their rivalries and believed that they could not win without hatred. As for Federer and Nadal they take it to a different level that is good enough friends instead of enemies. Aside from the extent of the professional respect, both players seek fun out of the competing games instead of just winning. Federer has stated before “Not every tennis match has to be serious…”

As the top two seeds, they will face other rivalries that lie between them. Nevertheless, both Federer and Nadal are very talented tennis players and watching they play each other is indeed a great excitement.