聖誕早午餐 - Christmas Brunch
文章來源: suezi-q2016-01-04 22:02:02


平安夜四點下班, 吃碗越南麵就解決了, 聖誕節自己家人在一起吃個早午飯, 拆禮物, 下午又一起去看了一場, The Big Short, 很安靜的度過了聖誕節。 聖誕節早午餐做的幾樣吃的, 我做得輕鬆,簡單, 家人也吃的很滿意, 現在都是大人啦,坐下來聊天, 感覺很溫馨。 聖誕節後一天就請了幾家好朋友來家自己動手做麵食, 大鬧了一番, 又熱鬧又開心, 另一種歡快活躍的場麵。


Omelet casserole




Apple sausage ring





French Toast Casserole




Fruits platter




use olive oil saute 1 med chopped onion and 1 diced red bell pepper

season with salt and pepper, mix in 1 cup of frozen spinach, 1 cup chopped Canadian bacon

 6 eggs, mix with 1 tsp of sweet paperika, 1 cup of shredded sharp cheddar cheese, pour the mixture into baking dish

bake at 375F for 20 min




2 lb Jimmy Dean Sausage

2 chopped green apples

2 eggs

1 med chopped onion

1 cup stuffing bread crumb

1/2 cup of milk

bake in a ring mold at 375F for 30 min, turn into a pie dish and bake for another 15 min


1 LB home made cinnamon buns cut into cubes, add 2 cups of blueberries, 

6 eggs, 1 TB vanilla extract, 1 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1/2 tsp salt, 3 TB sugar mix well and pour into the bread dish, 

bake in 350F for 30 min

serve  with maple syrup, blueberry jam.