2009 感恩節晚餐
文章來源: suezi-q2009-11-29 16:05:45
2009 感恩節晚餐 –

我還是做的比較傳統的感恩節吃的, 跟去年差不多, 有點小變化而已.




Tapenade –橄欖醬

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1 cup green and black olives, seeded and crushed,  kalamata olives
2-3 cloves of garlic
2 TB caper
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes packed in olive oil
2TB Dijon mustard
1/4 cup E.V. Olive oil
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup pine nuts
2 TB lemon juice
2 - 3 fillets of anchovies
 some red pepper flakes (if you like it hot)

全部材料進 blender 打成泥, 就成了

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麵包是用的baguette, 切片, 烤脆, 客人自己塗來吃.

這次做的客人來了沒來得及拍照片, 貼張我上次做的吧, 是用food processor 打的, 比較粗點, 很好吃,

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酥脆條 –

用了Puff pastry  and egg wash, 再灑點調味料, 400F烤了10分鍾.

甜的(sugar and cinnamon) 和鹹的(veggie seasoning) 兩個味道:

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烤火雞 – 這次又是相當的成功, 給自己拍拍肩膀, 嗬嗬..

多放幾個圖, 得意一下, 皮脆, 肉嫩, LG說為什麽一年隻吃一次火雞,

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我這次買的是21 LB火雞, 用2杯鹽炒香八角和花椒, 對水, 泡了12個小時,今年火雞太大, 最大的容器都不行, 就用了個cooler, 加冰, 用了專門brine bag, 外再加一個一般的塑料袋子, 取出擦幹後, 在腹腔裏塞了 洋蔥, 檸檬, 桔子, 迷香迭, sage, 用繩子綁好腿, 外麵抹上黃油, 鹽,胡椒, 烤盆底下還放了洋蔥, 檸檬, 桔子, 迷香迭, sage , 還有雞雜, 這些東西烤完後用來做gravy很棒.

先在400F烤箱烤背麵一小時, 再在325F 烤胸麵3小時, 用溫度計惻厚部位有160F就取出, 30分鍾後再切塊上桌吃.

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蜜汁烤火腿 – Costco 買的, 外麵抹上蜂蜜糖漿, 來烤的,

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Gravy -

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烤盆裏留下來的烤過的蔬菜, 雞雜, 和湯汁在爐頭上加熱, 加雞湯, 白酒, 再燒滾,

另一個sauce鍋裏加黃油, 炒熟麵粉, 把烤盤裏的湯汁過瀝倒入, 攪勻成糊, 加一點鮮奶油(heavy cream), 就是好吃的gravy了.

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用了Italian sweet sausage, onion, celery, carrots, toasted white bread cubes, chicken stock, butter. 我是不放在火雞裏麵烤的.

先炒香臘腸, 加onion, celery, carrots , sage, thyme, 炒軟, 加cranberry, almonds,

雞湯拌入麵包, 冰箱過夜, 第二天淋上蛋液和牛奶, 進烤箱375F先蓋著烤30分鍾, 再開蓋烤,10分鍾.

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小紅莓醬 - Cranberry compote:

Fresh cranberry, cranberry jelly, mandarin orange, mint leaves, lime and lemon zest, and honey,

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土豆泥- Mashed potatoes:

Potatoes, sour cream, butter, black pepper, salt and parsley:

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烤奶油瓜和胡蘿卜 - Roasted butternut squash and carrots:

橄欖油和調味料拌勻後進400F烤箱烤30分鍾. 灑歐芹碎.

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烤紅薯- Roasted yam with marshmallow topping:

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紅薯先鹽水泡過, 375F 烤整紅薯, 約1.5 小時, 去皮,切段, 放塗過黃油的烤盤裏, 淋楓糖漿, 和放黃油, 再350F烤15分鍾,讓黃油溶化, 再鋪一層 棉花糖 marshmallow and 烤至金黃, 約4-5分鍾.

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蔬菜- 培根炒 蘆筍,磨菇,小番茄,

黃油,橄欖油炒蘆筍, 磨菇,小番茄, 加炒幹的培根, 拌勻.

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扁豆湯- Lentil soup

鹹肉炒出油,撈出渣, 炒洋蔥, 西芹, 胡蘿卜, thyme, bay leaves, 罐頭番茄, 雞湯, 扁豆, 慢火燉爛, 鹽和胡椒調味. 灑歐芹.

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南瓜蛋糕- spiced pumpkin bundt cake (from Foodnetwork, modified)

1 cup cranberry
1 cup slivered almonds
2 1/2 cups AP flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3/4 teaspoon ginger
3/4 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 can (14-oz size) unsweetened pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)

powdered sugar for dusting


Preheat oven to 350F . Lightly butter or spray with oil a bundt pan that will hold at least 9 cups.

In a large bowl, place flour, baking powder and soda, spices and salt. Add brown sugar. Using a fork, stir until evenly mixed. Set aside.

In a medium-size bowl, whisk eggs with milk, oil and vanilla. Whisk in pumpkin just until smooth. Scrape into flour mixture, then stir just until mixed. Stir in cranberry and almonds until evenly distributed. Turn into prepared pan and smooth top.

Bake in center of 350F oven until a cake tester inserted in center of cake comes out clean, 55 to 60 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes. Run a knife around outer pan edges to loosen cake. Turn out onto a wire rack set over a baking sheet. Cool. Dust with powdered sugar.

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韓國店賣的老玉米, 我以經吃上癮啦, 這次介紹給大家吃, 他們也都很喜歡,

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客人來了,我就會很亂, 沒拍到全部的照, 這是我準備前拍的serving dishes:

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