文章來源: suezi-q2009-03-06 16:34:35
鐵鍋都要好好的"開鍋",一勞永益,中式鍋我是先用幾杯鹽(有細沙也好)大火炒, 鹽都炒成黑色, 把鍋表麵磨光滑, 冷後, 洗淨擦幹, 把培根(或肥肉)切碎在裏麵邊熬油邊抹鍋,大火燒, 倒掉油, 用紙擦幹, 大火再燒. 最好到外麵去燒,有很大煙的. 就好了, 第一個星期,每次用完後熱水洗,不用肥皂, 擦幹, 爐上燒幹, 用紙抹點菜油,不要太多. 用之前熱水洗一下,把油洗掉, 擦幹, 這樣燒熱鍋時不會有煙, 鍋熱了, 再加入油炒菜, 一個月後就不怕粘和鏽了. 清潔: 我就是一髒就馬上清洗,有時鍋裏溢出來,我就熄火,換鍋, 洗淨, 不要去燒外麵髒了的鍋,和爐台, 一燒就很難再洗幹淨了.

copy from my old reply:

"養熟" 生鐵鍋爐 - make it non-stick for life - three ways:

1- use two table spoon of peanut oil coat the inside of wok and heat it on stove until it's blackend.

2- use 1 cup of salt and tossing the salt in the wok on the stove until the wok change to dark color.

3- coat the wok inside and outside with veggi oil and put it on a baking sheet upside down and bake in the oven for 30 min at 450 degree. the wok is thoroughly burnt. Leave it in the oven to cool down.

Wash your cold burnt wok with hot water, never use soap to wash your wok. After each use, wash with hot water only and dry the wok on stove by heating it, then use paper towel to rub some oil and it's ready for next use.

Once you have use it like this for a week, you got a non-stick wok for life. It cooks the food like restaurant, 香極啦!